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Taehyung and others followed the location to sm and they fond a big building in the middle of the forest.

They saw some guards who were standing infront of the building and an idea pop into there minds.

They dress in the guards uniform and enterd to the building.

Taehyung and jimin went together and saw jisoo and chaeyoung taking the break fast.

Taehyung saw jisoo and he felt a pain a pain in his heart.

Just like jisoo taehyung also missed jisoo. The way jisoo responds to him in a sleepy voice, the sweet smell of her, the way her lips move inbetween his taehyung miss jisoo too much.

Taehyung and jimin move a way since they saw suho and chanyeol coming.

Suho sit next to jisoo and start to eat where chanyeol tried to kiss chaeyoung but she push him forcefully.

Jimins blood boil as he saw how chanyeol was with chaeyoung but he control his feeling and stayed as cool as he can.

Jisoo and chaeyoung finished the breakfast and and went there room.

Taehyung and jimin follows jisoo and chaeyoung to there room and enterd.

"What are you doing" chaeyoung ask loudly as jimin lock the room.

Jimin and taehyung covered jisoo and chaeyoung mouth which made them shout more.

"It's us now stop shouting" taehyung said and jisoo and chaeyoung stop shouting.

"Tae how did you get in here" jisoo ask as she hug him.

To be continue

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