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They arrived at that house at 6. The house was big and nice. It kind look haunted since so many tress are all around the house.

 It kind look haunted since so many tress are all around the house

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Every one went inside the house. Jisoo look at taehyung who was standing next to her.

"There is 4 room so it will not be big problem right" jennie told looking at others.

"Yes as always me and rose will share a room and jisoo Unnie and jennie Unnie one room" lisa told falling her self to the couch.

"Umm lisa I was thinking of sharing the room with jimin since we are engaged" rose told sitting next to lisa.

"Ok then I will have room all by self" lisa told.

"Umm lisa actually you have to share the room with jungkook" jennie told.

"What no no way... like a week ago I had a broke up and now no no way" lisa standing up from the couch.

"Lisa just this once..."" no no way" lisa cut jennie and told.

"Lisa I don't want to argue with you so just share the room with jungkook or else go back home" jisoo told as she sat on the couch. "Ok Unnie" lisa told and look at jungkook who was just entering the house.

"No time to rest..... we are going to have a barbecue back of the house" jin told looking at everyone.

Everyone put their things in the room and went back of the house.

Jin, jennie, jimin and rose was busy making the barbecue. Where jisoo and lisa were busy playing their phones and taehyung and jungkook kept talking about something.

Jisoo felt someone was looking at her and she look that side. It was taehyung.
Jisoo knew how tired taehyung look and she now why it is.

Jisoo excuse her self from lisa and went into to the house signalling taehyung to follow her.

Jisoo knew taehyung was following so she went out of the house and into the woods.

"Taehyung you are tired" jisoo told when she knew taehyung stop behind her.

Jisoo took of her shirt and face taehyung. Jisoo went near taehyung and look at taehyung face by cupping his face.

"Taehyung drink my blood you are weak and tired" jisoo told.

Taehyung did what jisoo ask. Taehyung don't want to give too many bite marks on jisoo's body so bite the same spot.

Taehyung step back and look at jisoo who was smiling at him. But taehyung can see the pain in jisoo's eyes that she was trying to hide.

"There you look much good now" jisoo told Putting back her shirt on.

"Jisoo you don't have to do this.... I can""no taehyung I am your wife so I have to do this.... and I don't want you to touch any girl only to drink blood" jisoo told cuttings taehyung off.

They went back to the house and so anything was done already.

"Some people went missing for like 45 minutes" jennie told as jisoo and taehyung came.

"I wonder what they were doing... while everyone was busy here... suddenly two people went missing and showed up after 45 minutes" jin joined jennie.

"Yhaa... stop that already.... we just went to take a walk in woods that's it" jisoo told sitting next to rose.

After the barbecue taehyung and jisoo went to the room. Jisoo look at taehyung who was looking out through the window.

Jisoo went and back hugged jisoo. After sometimes taehyung made jisoo to face him.

Jisoo look into taehyung eyes for few minutes and she kissed taehyung hungrily and passionate.

Taehyung responds to jisoo's kiss and he pinned jisoo on the walls.

With out breaking the kiss taehyung carried jisoo to the bed and place her on the bed.

Taehyung took off jisoo's shirt. He again kiss jisoo's lips than her his kisses went down to her neck.

"Tae" jisoo moan with the pleasure. Taehyung gave butterfly kisses to her stomach befor he took of her skirt.

Taehyung then unbutton his shirt and took it off relieving his perfect body.

He slowly took of her bra. He then suck her left where he was massaging another.

Tae ahhh" jisoo moan as she was feeling so much pleasure.

Jisoo open her eyes as she knew taehyung stops.

Jisoo saw taehyung looking at her as he was asking for permission. Jisoo smile and nodded.

Tae took off jisoo's underwear."tae hmmm ahhh" jisoo starts to moan as taehyung starts to lick her clit.

"Ahaaaaaaaa" jisoo screamed as taehyung fingers her.

Tae knew jisoo is in pain so he went to near her face and kiss her trying forget about the pain.

"If it hurt soo we can stop here" taehyung told calmly as he kiss jisoo.

"No taehyung don't stop..... we have to finish what we started" jisoo told and kiss taehyung.

"Are you sure" taehyung told and jisoo nodded.

Taehyung slowly entered his member to jisoo's womanhood. Taehyung went slowly so jisoo can adjust.

"Faster" as jisoo told that taehyung start to thrust fastly. Jisoo was a moaning hell to be honest.

They both came at the same time. Taehyung lay down next to jisoo and look at jisoo's beautiful face. All he could see was tiredness.

"Jisoo did I hurt you... dose it hurts" taehyung ask jisoo who was lying in her arms. "No it did not hurt' jisoo told.

"I love you taehyung" jisoo told looking at taehyung's eyes. "I love you too jisoo"
Taehyung told and kiss her lips befor going to there dream land.

To be continue

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