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Jisoo went out of her room saw the empty living room and kitchen.

She knew jimin, chaeyoung, jungkook and lisa are in there rooms.

She went out of the house and let out a heavy sigh.

With out looking back jisoo started to walk.

Like after one hour of walking jisoo started to see people.

After the jennie's wedding they went to the house in the and still they are staying there.

Jisoo took a taxi and went to her house.
Her house meaning the house she and taehyung live after they got married.





Jin and jennie are in a fancy restaurant eating lunch.

It's been like one hour jin stops eating but still jennie continues as she was not been eating anything for years.

Jin sits there mouth wide open looking at jennie as she kept eating and eating.

"Why today I am like jisoo unnie and can't stop eating.... aaaaa this is so good" jennie said and kept eating.

"Li... like.... like ji.... jisooo" jin said as he drinks some water.

"Jennie are you" Jin stop and look at jennie thinking she will understand what he means.

"Am I what oppa" jennie ask not having any idea what jin meants.

"Are you pregnant" jin ask which made jennie to cough.

"I am what..... no... wait... I don't know.... am I" jennie said after drinking  some water.

"Jisoo eats too much only after she got pregnant.... and today you are suddenly eating too much jennie" jin said.





"Lisa are you feeling well" jungkook ask as lisa open her eyes and sit on the bed.

"Hmm I am.... I think.... what happen" lisa ask.

"You got bitten by ten on neck.... which turns you into a one of us" jungkook said.

"No no way.... I don't want to be one of you.... how can I turn back" lisa ask.

"I am sorry lisa... there is no way to turn you back" jungkook said.

"There should be some way or another... I don't want to be" lisa kept on saying as she walk back and forth of the room.

"I can't live like this I want to die" lisa said which made jungkook to put his hands on lisa's mouth.

"Don't ever say that lisa.... ever.... caz if you die than with you I will die" jungkook said looking into lisa's eyes.

"Jungkook" lisa said like a wisper as jungkook removed his hands from her mouth.

"Don't be shocked lisa.... I like i love you.... i love you so much that i can't see you die... so please don't even think about dying" jungkook said as he slowly wipes the tears on lisa's cheeks.

"Jungkook" lisa try to say something but jungkook stop her placing his finger on her lips.

"Shhh... don't say anything now.... just rest... you need it" jungkook said and went out of the room.





"Jisoo" jisoo look at the side where she heard her name and it was taehyung.

"How you knew I was here" jisoo ask looking at taehyung who was making his way towards her.

"That's not important... what important right now is that I am really sorry... I am sorry jisoo for the way how I acted towards you today.... I am really sorry.... please forgive me jisoo.... I really love you and the baby.... please forgive me" taehyung said as he hug jisoo.

Jisoo burst into tears as taehyung said that. Yes. She was really hurt when taehyung said that word he said before and the way he acted but jisoo love taehyung too much that she can't stay with out forgiving him.

"I forgive you taehyung... but please don't ever act like that again ok... it really hurts" jisoo said looking at taehyung's eyes.

"I will never act like that I promise" taehyung said and hug jisoo smiling knowing his plan will work.

Ofcourse he can't lose jisoo at any cost. He love her more than any thing in this world.

For sure he will do anything to protect jisoo even if jisoo will later hate him for what he did.

And taehyung knows exactly jisoo will hate him when she find out what he is going to do. But he have no other choice if he wants to be with her and he wants to be with her.

"I am sorry jisoo... I really am" taehyung said in his mind as he place a sof kiss on jisoo's hair and hug her even tightly.

"I love you so much" he said.

"I love you too" he heard jisoo said and his smile got even bigger.

To be continue

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