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Jungkook slowly moves his face closer to lisa and kiss her lips.

Lisa did not respond to the kiss first but she finds her self responding to jungkook.

Jungkook carried lisa to bed and lyed her on the bed still not breaking the kiss.

Without knowing lisa started to responds to jungkook every action.

Taehyung and jimin secretly follows jin and jennie.

"Oppa 8s there any water left.... I am really thirsty" jennie said.

"No there is not" jin said after checking the bag.

"Hi sir and miss" kai who came with sehun said.

"Oh hi" jin and jennie said.

"Here is water in case you need it" kai gave a water bottle to jennie.

Taehyung and jimin was watching each and every step of them.

Kai and sehun started to talk and walk with jin and jennie where taehyung and jimin follows.

"Jungkook stop this is not right" lisa said inbetween the moans.

Then it hit jungkook what is happening. He get up from lisa like he had an electric shock.

"I.... I am sorry" jungkook said and went out of the room leaving lisa alone.

Jungkook went to kitten to eat something so he can get if the thoughts.

After sometime Jungkook went to kitchen someone knock on the door.

"Who will it be.... I will get it" chaeyoung said and went open the door. Jisoo also went behind chaeyoung to see who it was.

Jungkook also came out of the kitchen as he heard the knock.

Rose open the door very little and look out side.

Two boys kind of there age was there.

"How can I help you" chaeyoung ask standing in same position.

"Miss by any chance is jungkook here" the one who is short from the two ask.

"Aaa yes please do come in" rose said opening the door wide.

"Suho... chanyeol" jungkook whispers to himself.

"What are you doing here" jungkook ask.

But before any thing suho pull jisoo to his side.

"Freeze.... otherwise you I might do any thing to her" suho said.

"Aaa what's going on here" lisa who came downstairs said as she saw an unfamiliar mans holding jisoo and chaeyoung.

"Yaaa leave them or otherwise I am going to kill you" lisa said coming near to them holding a vase.

Jungkook tried to stop lisa but it was too late she throws the vase to suho. But it did not hit him.

Suho and chanyeol got out of the house with jisoo and chaeyoung.

Jungkook and lisa followed them. But it was no use they were nowhere to see.

Kai got a call from some one as they were still walking and sehun punch jin face.

Kai pull jennie to his side when sehun went to taehyung and jimin.

"Before you two do any thing I went to say jisoo and rose is already with suho and chanyeol..... you will know what happen to them right" srhun said which made taehyung and sehun stops.

Taehyung and sehun look to each other and nod.

In the next second jimin punch kai face and took jennie away.

Sehun ran to kai and taehyung helps jin to get up.

"Let's go home" jimin said and hold jennie and jin face.

In a blink of eyes there were in the house.

"Jungkook what happen" jungkook who was walking back and forth look at taehyung who was coming to his way.

"They took jisoo and chaeyoung" jungkook said.

"Is lisa safe... anything happens to her" jimin ask.

"I am safe nothing happen to me" lisa said who was sitting on the couch.

"Yeah she is safe.... if she did not butt in by throwing that vase I could have atleast save one of them.... I am sorry" jungkook said.

"It's okay" both taehyung and jimin said together.

"Now we have to find them" jimin said.

"But tonight is full moon remember" jungkook said.

"Yes it is but they can't do any thing since the bite on jisoo and rose's shoulder didn't get healed" taehyung said.

"They have to wait for another full moon but before that we need to find them" taehyung said.

To be continue

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