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Jisoo was sitting on the couch in her room happily eating the chicken that taehyung brought for her.

"Jisoo please tell me.... what is the gender of our baby" taehyung ask as he slices the apples so it will be easy for jisoo to eat.

"No... it's a surprise..... I will tell you later" jisoo said and kept eating.

"Really chu" taehyung ask.

"Hmm" jisoo said not even thinking which leaves taehyung speechless.

It's been a month since jisoo knew the gender of the baby but didn't tell taehyung.

And on another hand taehyung was regretting the fact he can't read jisoo's mind after her pregnancy. Which made it easy for jisoo to hide what ever she wants to fron taehyung.

At that time they heard a knock on there door.

"Come in" taehyung said.

"Taehyung can I have a word with you" jimin ask.

Taehyung nod and went out with jimin to knowing its something important seeing the serious look on jimin's face.

"What is it'' taehyung ask as they got out of the room.

"Ten... he bites lisa" jimin said.

"What.... where is she" taehyung ask.

"Living room" jimin said and both went to the living room.

"Jungkook" jungkook look at taehyung who call him in a teary eyes which made jimin and taehyung both sad.

"She will be fine.... don't cry ok.... inam calling the doctor right now" taehyung said and jungkook hug him.

Jisoo came to the living room to know what's happening.

"What happen to lisa" jisoo ask when she saw lisa lying on the couch unconscious.

Chaeyoung tell jisoo what happened and hug her.

"Oh it's so sad.. chae I wants to eat grapes" jisoo said which made all four look at her.

"What... I really wants to eat grapes" jisoo said.

At that time the doctor came and all greeted him.

Jisoo got angry of the fact that no one brought her grapes and went get them on her own.

"Doctor will she be fine" jungkook as the doctor checked lisa.

"She will she just need rest.... just take care of her" the doctor said and went.

"Before I go taehyung there is something you should know" doctor said and all of them look at him wanting to know what he will say.

"Jisoo is not a vampire but she is carrying a vampire's child" doctor said.

"So..... what's wrong with that" taehyung ask as he didn't knew the meaning behind.

"She will not be able to handle this pregnancy and she will die" doctor said which shocked everyone.

"Hmm she will.... how can I human carry a vampire in her womb.... she will not be able to handle it" doctor said again and taehyung sat on the couch.

"How can we prevent this from happening" taehyung ask.

"She have to turn in to a vampire... but don't think it will work since she is already seven months pregnant" doctor said.

"I will take my leave now.... take care of her" don't said looking at jungkook.

Minutes passed after the doctor left but no one dares to say a word.

"There is no ramen in the house my baby said he or she wants ramen" the silence in the room was broken by jisoo.

"You already ate jisoo" taehyung said in a cold voice.

"But my baby wants ramen" jisoo said pouting her lips.

"Let's it be hungry" taehyung said which made all of them look at him.

All of them were shocked as taehyung use the word it.

"What did you say taehyung 'it' really... for the God sake this is our baby" jisoo was crying at this point.

"I don't care let's just abort the child" taehyung said and went to his room leaving jisoo in a shock.

To be continue

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