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Lisa who got really bored of being inside her room which she share with jungkook got out of the room.

Lisa was kind of surprised not seeing anyone in the house. But she ignored and head to the kitchen.

She was beyond pissed to see all the mangoes were gone. For sure her so called Unnie is having a pregnancy that    troubles her.

"Oh lis what are you doing" chaeyoung who enterd the kitchen and drink some water ask lisa who was sitting on a stool biting her lips.

"Chaeyoung let's go for some shopping" lisa said looking at chaeyoung and chaeyoung nodded saying yes.




"Actually jimin will be super mad if he knew I went out with out letting him know" chaeyoung said as they walk little far from the house.

"Ohh by the way where is jimin" lisa ask.

"He and jungkook went to some where.... jogging" chaeyoung said.

At that time they both felt some thing passes near them.

Something passes near them like a flash of light.

They look around to see the leaves of the trees are moving to west side as a strong wind is moving to that side.

At that time the girls saw jimin and jungkook who stop near them and look around them as they were searching for something.

"Aaaaaaaaah" jimin jungkook and chaeyoung look at lisa's side as they heard lisa's shout.

"Ten" jungkook said when he saw the boy who was holding lisa.

Jungkook saw the fear in lisa's eyes as she was breathing hardly and try her best get out of ten's hold.

"Too late baby" ten look at lisa and smirk.

He put his fangs near lisa's neck and bite.

But before ten can get too deep jungkook push away ten from lisa and catch lisa before she fells on the ground.

"Lisa... lisa..... lisa..... open your eyes damn it" jungkook kept saying.

"Let's go home"




"Jin you have to turn me into a vampire" jennie said to nth time today. And jin was getting irritated by jennie who kept non stop saying that.

"Jennie are you really going to be like this" Jim ask.

"Hmm" jennie said in the most cutest way which made jin's heart beat fast.

"Okay but I am warning you..... you may regret this" jin said.

"I will not" jennie said and jin gave up knowing jennie will be having her own ways.

Jin came close and bite jennie's neck as jennie left out a soft moan and close her eyes enduring the pain as tears fell off her eyes with out her permission.

Jin move away as his eyes was red where there was blood on his mouth.

Jennie got unconscious and fell in jin's arms.

Jin kept jennie on the bed and and lyed next her hugging her and he also fell a sleep.

To be continue

I hope you will like this part too

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And I know this ep don't have any vsoo so I want to remind you guys this is also a bangpink ff mainly focused on vsoo.

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