Weird For Me

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"You look more manly with that beard. And I see you work out a bit." Diamond giggled poking my arm. I laughed.
"I guess I work out. Well, I try to. Ain't getting younger. Soon thirty hits me." I smiled driving.
"We should go somewhere to eat. I'm starving. And we will talk about things." I felt her smile while talking. I nodded.
My ass got comfy on chair after picking food and I looked over Diamond who was staring at me with a smirk.
"You're hot." she suddenly said and made me blush and herself. I see it's not that little girl that admired me as her brother. She has teenager's hormones and I guess they're big.
"I mean... Ugh, forget it." she laughed and smirked again. "Do you have a lady?" she raised her eyebrows few times. I smiled. God, I hate this question.
"No. Well, there was one back in America but she just... Ran to another guy." I said getting uncomfortable. Why am I telling her this?
"So, she cheated?" Diamond pouted. I exhaled remembering those days. That's why I write journal now, to let it all out.
"Yes. She did. Do you have any boy?" I tried to run away from that topic.
"Well... I had few crushes. There's a guy in my class I get along with, he really really likes me but I just can't like him back. I can't tell my heart what to feel." she smiled playing with the napkin. I blinked. I didn't expect to hear her talk like that. This surprised me.
"I understand that, Diamond. No worries, you'll have many boys. You're cute." I smiled sipping my water.
"Ah c'mon... Just cute? Why everybody tells me only that? Why nobody says I'm sexy, I'm hot? I don't look sexy?" she got grumpy and looked at food. I pressed my lips together. She's sexy and hot but I won't say that to her. I dunno.. I'm not that comfortable.. I can say we kinda grew up together and I held her as a baby. Wow, this weird for me.
"How was camp?" I asked eating. Gotta cheer her up. I saw how she changed her mood. Woman.
"It was good, lots of hot chicks. I like it." she giggled chewing. I even choked on food.
"Pardon?" I even wanted to confirm what my ears just heard.
"What? I like girls too, sir. Just not dating them. But they like me too. That's a good thing, I guess." she innocently looked at me.
"I didn't thought you like girls too. I don't judge. It's hot." I laughed and realized what I said. Diamond smirked.
"I knew you were naughty one, sir." Diamond cleared her throat and gave me a wink. I sat surprised. Is she flirting with me??

Mr. Horan \\ N.H. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now