Do Something

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Diamond got away from the table and leaned to my dick placing it in her mouth.
"Oh, baby. I'm sensitive." I groaned feeling her mouth around me. I gathered her hair relaxing.
"Let me get you hard inside me." Diamond winked at me leaving my dick wet from her saliva. I bit my lip watching how she climbed on top of me and stuck me in her. Diamond embraced my face with her gentle hands and kissed me passionately. I gripped her hair with one hand and with other I hugged her.
"Your lips are so tasty." Diamond smiled, brushing her hands through my body, giving me shivers. She looked at the clock and smirked.
"We need to be quick, right?" I whispered massaging Diamond's boobs.
"Mm, yes. And after this you're carrying me out and to home." she giggled already bouncing her ass on me. I squeezed her boobs fucking her from the bottom.
"Nonono, stop." she trembled having a quick orgasm. Of course, I didn't stop fucking her. Diamond laid on me hiding her face in my neck.
"I can't stop, I can't stop, daddy..." Diamond moaned having orgasm. I groaned cumming in her. My body relaxed and she got numb on me while still trembling.
"You good?" my hand gently stroked her back. She just kept blinking while laying on me.
"Love this view through these windows." I heard her and looked through the window myself.
I smiled eating from Diamond's hands. We were already dressed, she was sitting on my lap. Diamond was giving me food while I stroked her shaky legs.
"I love when women get this happy and gentle after sex." I laughed chewing.
"You did not say that." Diamond opened her mouth surprised. But got serious. I gazed into her.
"Don't you think mom came back different?" she said in a low voice. Ah, yes. Her mom is back and yes she acts different. Like something is up.
"I'm afraid she knows about us." Diamond cleared her throat. I exhaled and nodded agreeing.
"I don't want us to get separated." she hugged.
"Don't say this. We won't." I kissed her hair.
I fixer my chair sitting down in my work room. After getting back with Diamond we got separate showers. I went first, so while she's cleaning I can finish my work.
"Can I come in?"  Diamond's mom appeared through the door. I nodded surprised and started to sweat.
"I will go to the point why I came here. I know what are you doing... How could you start romantic relationship with my daughter?" she said getting angry and looked at me with disgust.
"Please, I can explain." I stood up but she backed away.
"Explain what, Niall? That you made my daughter fall for you and dragged her in bed?? She's fifteen." she spat that out making me feel like some kind of pedophile.
"I understand her age and no I didn't do what you said. It's a mutual thing. I was refusing to date her because of her age but she's an amazing person to love. I didn't expect myself to fall in love with her. I completely understand you as her mother -" she cut me off.
"I want you to get away from my daughter. I don't want you near her in any way. I don't care what will you do to brake up with her but if you won't... I will take her away and you won't see her." she told me while walking to door. I stood shocked. How can I leave my little angel? I don't want that.
"Find another woman or leave. Do something to break up with her." she turned to me before leaving. I sat down with tears.

Mr. Horan \\ N.H. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now