Don't Kill Us

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--Simonne's POV--
My eyes gazed into my broken fingers.
"I told you not to sit in that car. Why didn't you listen?" Gus kept scolding me. I turned my head to Diamond that was laying in hospital's bed unconscious.
"You know how lucky both of you are? You just broke your fingers and Diamond had a concussion. You could've died." he sat down exhaling. I hung my head down feeling guilty. I even had goosebumps remembering what happened.

"I got these two babies. This one need a bit of fixing but works well." Gus showed us his two cars. One was brand new Mercedes Benz truck and another a sports car.
"It would take me an hour to get in the truck." Diamond stood next to it. The way she tried to hide the fact about what happened with Niall... I don't think it will end well with her walking around with the mask of 'everything is fine'.
"Can I check the inside?" she asked coming next to the sports car. Gus nodded and she got inside. I got inside too, because I wanted to check in out.
"Why you're here?" Diamond looked at me kinda angry. I got confused.
"I wanna see inside too." I said getting offended. She looked at the stirring wheel and at me. Diamond got her seat belt on.
"Get out or have a ride with me." she said giving me a weird look getting me scared but would you look at that... I was already with a seat belt on. What kind of psychos we are.
"Bitch, I don't think this is a great idea. You don't have license and I don't if you can even drive a sports car. So, please, don't kill us... I just found Gus." I said and gasped as Diamond started the engine and the car legit started moving.
"What can go wrong? Chill." she said calmly but then panicked herself when we got out in the street.
"Oh, shit this is harder than I thought." she got scared when we went so fucking fast and through other cars. I closed my eyes scared and the next thing I heard was her sharp squeal and a hit. My arms automatically tried to save my head from hit.

My thoughts were interrupted by Diamond's ringing phone. It was Niall... There were like a lot of messages and calls from him. I got sad for him and walked out to talk with him. I wanna know why he did that to Diamond...

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