You Did It

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"Can you shut up?!" Diamond said with attitude and annoyed when that Cleo and her boyfriend started fighting because he looked at nude girl.
"Diamond, please no." Simonne whispered to Diamond.
"Shhh, let her handle it. She had two glasses now she can talk without any interruption. If something Niall will stop her." Gus hugged Simonne giggling and clearly enjoying Diamond's annoyance about Cleo.
"Why don't you shut up?" that girl fired back. I let a breath out when Diamond's face was filled with anger.
"Don't tell me what to do, woman. We're in a strip club not in church. What do you expect your guy to look at? I suggest you to not come into the place like this if you don't trust each other." Diamond said pissed but politely. I like how she roasts people with politeness. I think I'm learning that from her.
"Why don't you stop snooping into other people's business." Cleo said standing up. Diamond stood up too not even giving up.
"Why don't you suck your guy's dick to finally shut your brats mouth. Oh sorry, probably he doesn't have the right size to shut you up. Awful." Diamond said with a fake pity. I inhaled trying not to laugh. I saw Gus cracking into Simonne's hoodie. Simonne sat in shock staring at those two. Cleo turned red and her boyfriend tried to sat her down but she didn't let him.
"At least I don't use mine as sugar daddy." Cleo tried to bit Diamond but failed. I smirked and proudly gazed into Diamond who just laughed.
"Me using Niall as sugar daddy? Wow, you didn't bit me at all. If you think that our age difference just for that... You're wrong. I'm looking forward to marry this man one day and I would gladly now go for some amazing sex therapy because my man knows how to please me right. Yes, child, both grow up." my baby said and looked at Simonne.
"I'm getting out of here. You coming?" she asked. Simonne instantly looked at Cleo with a doubt.
"No, she's not coming." Cleo said getting Diamond's attention again.
"She ain't your priority." Diamond said and I stood up getting ready to take her out.
"Yes, she is. I met her first. I know her more and she does what I say because she's MY friend." Cleo said leaning towards Diamond.
"I would love to give a black eye for treating people like dogs but I won't dirty my hands with a bitch like you." I grabbed Diamond away from Cleo when she almost snatched her bottom jawbone out.
"Think about knowing people more and if you really know what the word friend means." Diamond said when I carried her out.
"Enough, calm down. You're intense. She's not worth it." I kissed her forehead, hugging my bug tightly. I felt her steady breathing and arms squeezing me in her embrace.
"Look." I laughed. Gus was dragging Simonne out of strip club.
"Stop caring what she'll say or think. Fuck her. I wanna be with better company then some blabbing child." we heard them. I saw Diamond smile.
"Hey, you came." she let a breath of relief. Simonne smiled too and looked at Gus.
"He made me do it. He made me do a thing I wouldn't probably have guts to do. But I'm glad." she punched Diamond's arm.
"Bitch, you did it. That's the best part." Diamond giggled and grabbed her arm.
"My arm just zoned out." she laughed. I giggled and four of us went to my house.

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