Challenging Me?

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--Diamond's POV--
I sat on the table staring at naked Niall while he was taking off my bra.
"Enjoying the view?" he giggled licking my neck.
"Mm, yes. A lot." I whispered and hungrily kissed him. Niall's hand gripped the strap of thong and literally yanked it off me making me bite his lip from surprise.
"I really wanna taste you again. I can't resist it." Niall smirked getting low, spreading my legs widely. I got more comfortable on the table gazing into him. I let out a breath of relief, closing my eyes for a moment, feeling his wet tongue glide over and over my wet pussy.
"Oh shit." I whispered letting a moan out when he started sucking me.
"A bit to the left." I guided him to the right spot.
"Ugh!" I even jumped when Niall sucked on the right spot.
"I hit it, right?" Niall laughed standing up. I quickly nodded holding my hand over my pussy.
"How did I taste?" I whispered looking into his eyes and rubbing his dick onto my pussy.
"Amazing as always, baby." he moaned slipping into me. I smirked when he pulled me closer by the legs.
"Oh, yeah... Just keep going like that." I moaned when Niall paced faster. I started rubbing myself.
"That's hot." he licked his lips watching my hand.
"Please, don't stooop... I'm gonna cum." I whimpered rubbing myself faster. Niall got surprised.
"Already?! Wow, baby... Someone's sensitive today." he giggled grabbing me by the hips, making a whole table move with me.
"Shiz..." I grabbed the edge of the table moaning. "Yes yes yes." I squirmed having an orgasm.
"Whoa, so nice and fast." Niall sucked on my nipples slowly moving. I let out a shaky breath tangling my fingers into his hair.
"Whatcha doing?" I laughed when Niall laid me on the ground.
"Making love to you." he laughed laying behind me. I laid on my side too, pressing my ass to his dick.
"Can I let your hair out?" Niall whispered kissing my neck.
"Mm, yes, of course." I smiled and he gently took our my hair band putting on his wrist.
"Much better. Sexy." he stroked my hair. I giggled blushing and felt his hand gripping my waist entering me.
"Daddy, you don't have enough of me, do you?" I whispered smirking, he looked at me, tilting my head back by the neck.
"No, I will never get enough of you. Shall we have fun?" Niall kissed my cheek repeatedly. I opened my mouth when he just literally started pushing into me so fast and hard, that I even had to hold my breath.
"I'm squirting, I'm squirting!" I squealed shaking from pleasure, trying to find something to get a hold of.
"C'mon, baby. Do it." Niall groaned into my ear and gave his hand to hold.
"Ah!" I squealed squirting on our legs and carpet, uncontrollably shaking. I felt how I pushed out Niall out of me.
"Oh, God... That was hot..." I heard Niall whisper. I relaxed my head on carpet trying to come back to life, not letting Niall's hand go.
--Niall's POV--
I stared at the ceiling breathing quickly. My head turned to Diamond. Her legs were shaking a lot and between us was her squirt and my cum because I came at the same time as my dick got pushed out. Couldn't hold myself. I blinked when Diamond just sat staring at the mess we made and her shaky legs.
"I need water." she tried to get a grip on the table peeked to search for water. My hand went up and down her body gently.
"You got weak... The person you warned me about... The sex addict is gone. You can't take much anymore." I said clearing my throat. I held my breath when Diamond's eyes pierced me with anger. I loove teasing her like this... Damn. Just look at her angry look. Hot, so hot.
"Are you challenging me?" she spoke with offensive voice tone. I winked at her proud of myself.

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