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"Oh...ooh, yes! Yes -Ah!"

The smaller boy arches his back, his face wrinkled up in pleasureful pain. Under the blindfold can only be wet eyes as small beads roll down from beneath it. The bigger of the two grins smugly, tightening his grip on the small boy's hips to meet their skin harder, faster.

The smaller boy squirms, trying to relieve himself. He can't with his hands tied behind his back and the strong, dominant one has one hand on the smaller's shaft, not allowing any relief.

"Not until I say," The smaller boy moans allowed again at the clarification.

"Please, Master, please-" His back arches again at the painful plowing.

The top merely shakes his head, leaning down to leave a trail of bites on the soft flesh of his sub's back. He only pulls away to let out a moan of his own, indicated he's reaching what the smaller one can't.

"Yes, oh you're so tight...how can a little slut like you milk me so well? Hmm..."

The smaller one continues to wiggle, his face getting redder and redder as he's further denied, "Pl...please-" The man tightens his grip, pleasure bursting on his face as explodes in the small ass that is red with smacks.

Even as the man rides down his orgasmic wave, the boy wiggles, and squirms to feel the pleasure too. To be let go and meet the blinding light too. The man isn't going to let that happen.

He lets go of the boy's hips, his hand still around the shaft, reaching behind him to find the little contraption that will keep the boy on his edge longer than anyone would like. Everyone knows, though, he will love it in the end. 

Ward pants along, rubbing out his organism as the couple on the screen begin to fall down their wave. His own moans have been bouncing around the room as he implanted himself in the porn. He's not into the whole bondage scene but it showed up right away and he was horny as fuck from Tristan's tight little ass at work this morning so it came to this. Ward has nothing against meeting with his hand, he even waited until his housemate was out this time. But as satisfying as the little event was, it didn't match up with actually being buried deep in the little twinks ass. 

Oh god, did he wish he was doing that right now. 

Instead, he has to clean up the mess that has spurted onto his chest and hand. Ward shut off his computer, Pornhub still pulled up, and strides over to the bathroom across the hall with his phone in his clean hand. Even if Noel comes home she's seen his dick -felt it too- so he doesn't even consider being discretion. Ward hasn't ever been good at staying discreet. Specifically when it came to his drive. 

Ward beings to blast a playlist as he starts to get ready for a shower. He turns the water hot, settling under the burning spray. He only didn't turn it onto cold until he stands in the warmth for a few minutes. Then he turns it cold enough to hiss, trying not to rush through his shower routine. Ward is careful with his physical appearance as much as he has to be for his health. So that means taking cold showers for his hair and skin. Not just for the boners.

It doesn't mean he likes doing it. One must do what one must do. 

His phone is still playing loud, echoing louder against the titles. He doesn't bother to turn it down as he routine. Shave, lotion, blowdry. Every little thing has to be perfect or he doesn't feel safe in his skin. Ironic in many aspects including the reason he needs to feel so clean and dangerous he is in his own skin. You have to try your best, however.

Midway through brushing his teeth again, his music stops, and monotone ringtone drills into the air. Noel. Ward groans, biting down on his toothbrush as he answers the whore.

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