29 - Work As A Team

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"I don't understand why you brought him," The immature boy crossed his arms over his chest, scowling at the little boy folding and unfolding a napkin. He looked stoic, trying to be unbothered by being forced into this situation, "He seems old enough to stay at home alone.

The person the question was posed to just shook his head, sipping his Pepsi, "Give it a rest, Ruide. He's never done anything wrong to you."

The immature boy, Ruide, scoffed. The quiet of them all just sat beside his best friend, watching the same conversation that had happened for years. His best friend nodded along in support of Ruide, despite the previously stated facts.

"Because he's a fag, Jace, a pain in the ass fag-"

Jace curled his lip up, pointing a clean knife at Ruide, threats in the action and his eyes, "Stop fucking saying that or you can get the fuck out of this team dinner."

The quiet one darted his eyes between the members of this small group, silently putting his bid on Ruide saying one more dumb thing and then shutting up. It was rather repetitive. His best friend pretended to look shocked. Even when everyone knew how deadly loyal Jace could be to his little brother.

That was another thing the quite one admired about Jace. He loved his brother no matter how chaotic his sexuality was. He didn't have anyone like that in his corner. His best friend did not reach those limits.

Ruide clenched his teeth and shook his head, biting back a horrifically homophobic tongue. In which the quiet was thankful, "I don't understand why he isn't allowed to be alone."

Jace's best friend sighed. While it wasn't his favorite, he was willing to fight for his adoptive little brother as well. Unforantly, this was one point for Ruide, a loss of a point for the boy. 

"My dad likes to take him places. He claims the kid would never leave the house if he wasn't forced to."

That began a cliche turn of heads to look back down the table at the little boy playing with a napkin. It was true, the man did force the little boy out of the house. They were always together. Not that many doubted it though, because he was a very need a father figure to a very chaotic boy. 

Right now, they sat side by side. While the boy was drawing, the ever-smiling man was leaning over to discuss latest games with another parent of the team.

"I don't really get why your dad tries so hard for him, Kenny, the little brat hasn't tried to be any better," This time it was the quiet one's best friend that spoke.

Kenny just shook his head, "He's the favorite son. Blood or not, Dad would cut off a limb to make the boy happy. Even gives him these little praises like he's a sweet little puppy," They collective shook their heads at that.

It was true, though it didn't happen around the boys as much as it did at home. But it was very clear the man loved the little boy. In whatever definition the boys saw more often.

"Alright boys," Said man stood up, his booming voice and dazzling smile created a wave of silence amongst the group. The little boy at his side peeked up at the man and then back at his napkin, "We're going to say a prayer before the food is delivered so you vultures can swoop right in when it comes."

Instantly, all figures around the table bowed their heads and entwined their fingers, eager to agree to whatever the man preached. 

"Dear Heavenly Father, we ask you to bless our food, in turn giving us health and strength to support you another day. We ask you to bless our boys in their game tomorrow, bring forth strength and teamwork to make our boys successful in all they purse."

The little boy wasn't praying. He had stopped believe the words a year ago.

The quiet one believe with all his might in who he was praying to. That is why he always did his own silent prayer to coincide with the one blessed over their food. 

'Dear Heavenly Father, please bless our food, our team, and our health. And, father, I pray to thee to give me an extreme dose of strength. Strength to maintain on a spiritual and physical right path. Strength to fight away the sin that tortures me every day. Strength to be happy and true to me. Please, Father, guide me to health and happiness.'

"May you guide us in strength and righteousness. May you keep our families together. May you keep us full of love and acceptance. May you help us fight away the sin that tempts us each day."

The man prayed for success, health, and love. The quiet one prayed for strength to be straight. 


The little boy lost his faith. 

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