25 - Taking flight

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He tried to focus on smooth breathing and the uncomfortable seat of the airplane. He was one of the first in his section on so he just sat watching ants mill around for their seats and 'guaranteed' overhead space. 

His leg moved without warrant, shaking with nerves and worry and fear and dread. 

He absentmindedly found his hand grasping the little cross from over his t-shirt, watching out the tiny rectangular window at the runway. His lips moved but you could barely hear a word being uttered under shaky breathing.

"Dear Heavenly Father, I pray to thee in one last hope that he is okay and will stay that way until I can reach him. I pray he is comfortable, healthy, and safe despite whatever inner turmoil he is experiencing. I pray that he found his way safely as have I and that he will be there when I get...when I get home-"

"First time on a plane?" A burly man chuckled, dropping in the seat next to him, spooking him out of his prayer.

He smiled weakly as the man got adjusted, "Uh, yes." It wasn't a lie. This was his first flight but he truly hadn't thought about that fear he was supposed to harbor. 

The smiled back calmly, not knowing that the main reason for his seatmates dread, "It's not that bad. Just look out the window during take-off and landing then you're fine. Can't imagine we'll have much turbulence if that makes you feel better."

He nodded in agreeance. Then when the third person the row sat down and began speaking to the man, he went back to finish his call to the heavens.

"Please protect him and guide him until I can reach him and save him from the drama our home is built on. Please promise me that he never goes back to the bridge. Promises me no one will find out about him unless he allows them to know. Please promise me that he can get over the loss of his father figure. That he can move on and continue to be the strong person I look up to today."

He sucked in a deep breath, fisting the cross harder.

"He doesn't deserve this pain again, my lord. Please give me this one thing this one time until I can hold him in my arms. Save him, my lord, because he is the only savior he has left anymore."

The man next to nodded and glances back over at him, "What are you flying to Michigan for, if i may ask?"

He licked his lips, "Visiting family before I start school again," It's really nice how all his lies were also true.

"Ah," The man nodded, "Well, I wish you luck on that, my friend."

He forced a light chuckle, "Hopefully worth it in the end."

The man chuckled along, "Amen brother."


It was a whisper. One he hopes finds the right person.

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