24 - Toppsie Turby And Broken Realities

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"What. The. Fuck."

They both startled awake at the brutally loud alarm coming from the doorway. No, wait, it was a human, not an alarm. Both are shitty so who cares. Both groaned, Ward's arms automatically tightening to keep Elliot in place. Elliot just blinked, wrinkling his brow to adjust to the light. 

Elliot called in sick at six when Ward woke up. Ellie on the other side just told him not to worry and rest up even when he insisted he would be in the next day. Then he mostly forced Ward to drink some water and eat something small. That ended in Elliot having to make toast in a bright red toaster. Then they climbed back in bed and fell into the same positions they had first fallen asleep in.

Now their soft slumber had been interrupted by a screech. 

"What the fuck is going on?" There it was again, but closer. The person moving into the room to be next to the bed. 

Elliot rubbed the sleep from his eyes, instantly shocked by the screwed up face hovering over them. Short bob, clean eyebrows, constant disapproval.

"Oh. Um...hi Noel," He blushed, embarrassed to be caught in a position when there was no need to be embarrassed. He tried to get out of Ward's arms to find a shirt and brush his hair and all that shit.

But Ward held on tightly, groaning and moaning into Elliot's ears. In no way helping the bashful morning wood both possessed. Elliot blushed again, not so secretly placing a hand on his between me down there.

Noel had her hands on her hips, watching over the entangled bodies in front of her, "Uh, hello? Care to explain what is going on? Aren't you supposed to be at work?"

"Noooooooeell," Ward drew it fairly long, his voice crackling with the sweet release of sleep. Elliot shifted, Ward kept him in place, "I'm sleeping."

"Well, wakey wakey bitch. I want food and I want answers," Noel slapped Ward's calf causing the man to groan and slowly release Elliot. Elliot seized the moment, sucking in a deep breath and rolling off the bed to find his shirt.

Now he was battling between leaving because Noel was here and staying because Ward was here. Both were easy yet complex decisions. Neither which settled completely with Elliot.

"What time is it?" Elliot fumbled around on the floor, trying to see where his phone had slid off the bed. 

Noel simply shrugged, "Like maybe noon? Why are you over and why aren't you at work?" 

Elliot sucked in a deep breath, glancing back over at Ward who was still trying to wake up. Ward mumbled something under his breath, scratching at his eyes to try and see the world. He truly had not wanted to wake up the second time to Noel fucking screeching an interrogation all over the damn place. 

As he hoped, and as suspected, Elliot did make everything better. He rushed over in the buttcrack fo dawn. He didn't push to know what the dream was about. He let him poke and prod about such sensitive a subject as getting disowned by your family. He called in sick for work. He fucking prayed for Ward. 

In a strange way, it made it all worse. It was supposed to be physical. There was never supposed to be a question about feelings and emotions and mistakes and all that shit. It was only ever supposed to be skin on skin contact, the high of pleasure, a good fall back to feel good.

But it wasn't ever supposed to be about the other things that involved it. There wasn't supposed to be care and concern. There wasn't supposed to be the amusement in his cussing when he got frustrated. There wasn't supposed to be a drive to make him happy, or laugh. There wasn't supposed to be content or hope or anything that could make Ward feel.

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