Chapter 3

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They were all worried and suddenly, the house began to fall apart.

"What's happening?!" Rose cried.

"An earthquake?!" Jin shouted.

"Out of the house everyone!!" Taehyung's dad yelled and went further inside the house.


"LISTEN TO ME FOR ATLEAST ONCE IN YOUR LIFE! NOW GO!!" Taehyung's dad yelled. Taehyung refused to leave and Jin dragged him out.

"MR.KIM!!" Rose screamed. 

The three of them backed and called the firefighters. Taehyung nearly fainted from the shock of his father's disappearance and he was already depressed after Jungkook rejected him.

Soon, they found Mr.Kim under the pile of rubble. He was breathing and they rushed him to the hospital. When they took him out, Taehyung noticed he had a picture of his mother in his hand. Taehyung broke down. He wasn't ready to lose his father yet.

"It's okay Tae... he's breathing he'll be fine" Rose assured him.

"Yeah... he's tough man isn't he? Everything's gonna be alright. Now you should rest" Jin said.

After two days, his father was discharged from the hospital and they temporarily moved to a hotel for about a week.



It's been a week since then...

It's been the most worst day of my life. I was rejected by my crush, My house broke down from a level 2 earthquake because termite damage in the pillars AND I nearly lost my father.

I still couldn't come over it. I just woke up... but I went back to bed and closed my eyes.

Suddenly, the thoughts of how I saw Jungkook for the first time came into my mind...

"Two years... I've loved him for two whole years..."

Two years ago, he was a freshman rep and gave an amazing speech on stage. It was love at first sight.

I shook my head to get back to reality... I had to forget about Jungkook.

It has been a week since I last went to school. My dad was now perfectly fine and he urged me to go to school. I groaned as I got ready and hit the road.


When I reached school, there was a small crowd near the gates. I went to check what was going on...

"Please donate for Kim Taehyung"

"He needs money for his father's health and place to live" Jin and Rose where shouting.

I was so embarrassed that I couldn't even look up straight.


"Mornin' Tae! We're asking for donations for y-"

"DID I EVER ASK YOU GUYS TO DO SOMETHING SO STUPID?!" I cut Jin off as he was going to speak.

"What's goin' on here?" It was a very familiar voice...

... a voice I loved so much... I turned around to see who it was...

... it was him


Even though I saw the one I love, I was still frustrated and asked him...

"What are you doing here?"

"Well... I was going to my class but you guys are blocking my way" He replied.

"I feel really sorry for your house... here, lemme donate too-"

*I slap Jungkook's hand*

"You should know to accept others generosity" He said.


"Of course I know your name... "

He slowly leaned towards me as I bent backwards... but he grabbed my waist, pulled me closer and forced his lips onto mine.

The whole school was literally watching the scene as their jaws dropped. I tried to push him away, but he was way stronger... and after a minute, he broke the kiss.

I had mixed feelings within me... I didn't know what was happening. I felt like I was gonna melt any moment now.

"WHAT ARE YA'LL LOOKIN' AT?!" I yelled and everyone scurried off to their classes including Jin and Rose.

"Well then, we'll meet again tonight... Kim Taehyung." He said and left before I could ask him what that meant.

"Meet again tonight? And what's with that kiss?" I just shrugged it off like whatever and went to class.

As I was going..."It didn't have any feeling's in it... it was just a playful kiss...

Yes, a playful kiss"

Before I knew it, the day ended and I returned to the hotel



"Kim Taehyung... what have you done to me?" I thought.

I have never felt this way.

Now that I remember... it was two years back. I was giving my speech on stage, and everyone looked at me in awe. I didn't really care cause it's has always been that way ever since I was young, I was always admired at. As I was finishing my speech, there was this boy in the front row staring at me... I noticed him though it was just a quick glance. He had beautiful features...

"Is he an angel?" I thought to myself.

I was pretty interested in him. I don't really care about others and I'm a perfectionist so I concentrate on doing everything right. Never in my life have I ever had special feelings for anyone other than my family.

I have been watching him for these two years and one day he was being weird.

I was having lunch and as usual, people were staring at me. I noticed Taehyung looking at me. He slowly started coming towards me. I didn't know what to do so I packed my lunch boxes and tried to go away, but caught me.

"U-Um excuse me?" He told.

He was very shy and could see it.

"Can I help you?" I asked. "He's amazing..." I thought.

He kinda spaced out looking at me so I stopped his gaze

"Do you have anything you wanna tell me?" I asked again

"Oh, I-I wanted to give you th-" He pointed out something... it was a love letter. I could feel my face heating up so cut him off...

"Don't want it. If that was what you wanted to say, I'm leaving" I said and quickly went to the bathroom. I was surprised when I saw my face flushed red.

"What's wrong with you idiot? He was gonna confess to you and you just ran away! What are you a coward?!" I mentally hit myself.


Word count : 1080

I bet you're waiting for more Taekook interactions... I'll do it as soon as  I can!

Thanks for reading

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