Chapter 34

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I know I said I might not update for a while... But my close friend  Mini_TK gave me courage. Why should I be afraid of a bunch of homophobes?


"He just lost a part of his memories, and they were probably memories of his husband"

"How is that possible?"

"There is a blood clot in his brain in only one part, which is why only his husband's memories is temporarily gone"

Taehyung came outside.

"Temporarily? Which means his memories can be recovered?" Taehyung asked

"Yes. There are two ways"

"What are they?"

"One way is by surgery. It is quick but highly risky. The other way is by medicines. But this way can take a long time"

"How long?"

"It can take weeks and even months"

Taehyung wanted to go for the surgery option. But his husband's life can be in danger.

"We'll go with medicine" Taehyung said

"Alright" and the doctor walked away

Someone had to stay with Jungkook. Taehyung was an obvious option but Jungkook refused. Taehyung was now a nobody to Jungkook. He had to give him some time.


Taehyung visited Jungkook in the hospital everyday for a week until they went back to Seoul. The couple slept in different rooms because Jungkook wasn't convinced that Taehyung was his husband, let alone sleep on the same bed.

Taehyung treated Jungkook like a friend. He knew Jungkook wasn't comfortable with calling him Kookie. Taehyung took Jungkook out everyday to the places they went. They went out every week. Taehyung would explain what they did in which place specifically.

Taehyung took Jungkook to their college and showed him every place.

"Taehyung I know it's a garden"

"But Jungkook, here's where we spent most of our time in college together. This is also the place where you told me you were going to meet Jisoo"


"Do you remember anything?"

Jungkook was having vague memories of all the moment Taehyung was talking about, but he was not sure.

"No I don't"

Taehyung sighed and hung his head low.

"We'll go to terrace next"

"Why there?"

"I'll tell you"

They reach the terrace.

"This is where Lisa created another misunderstanding between us"

"And the first time she did was in the theatre we went yesterday?"

"Yeah. When we were apart, I realised how important you were in my life and how much I needed you for me to keep going-"

"Okay okay. Let's get going" Jungkook said with a cold tone which shredded Taehyung's heart to pieces.

*Time skip to one month*

Taehyung and Jungkook lived in the same house but rarely talked with each other. Jungkook hardly even looked at Taehyung. Day by day, Jungkook recovers vague memories of the times he spent with his husband. He would try to remember them perfectly but would fail.

Their relationship got worse everyday. Jungkook was either writing songs or boxing on his own everyday. Taehyung would often go to him and speak about their cutest moments together. Today, he decided to take Jungkook to the school they studied... the place they first met 6 years ago.

"Isn't this the high school I studied?"

"WE studied"


"Yeah. You were in class A while I was in F. And also, we became a couple in the graduation party. I thought it was one sided love, but you told me that you had loved me all that time too"

"That's kinda unbelievable"

Taehyung sighed at his reply and walked him to the auditorium where they first saw each other. He asked Jungkook to stand on the stage and he sat in the same place from six years ago. Jungkook looked around the place and remembered the scene from back then.

His eyes shifted to Taehyung. He remembered him from the way he saw Taehyung six years back. He looked gorgeous. Jungkook realised why he fell for Taehyung back then. He knocked himself from his daze.

"Let's go to the ground Jungkook"

They walked to the ground. It had changed from then.

"This is where I confessed to you and you rejected me"

Jungkook was puzzled when he heard that. If he loved Taehyung from two years before that, why would he reject him? He was confused in his own thoughts.

"Do you remember anything?" Taehyung asked him

"No" he deadpanned

Taehyung was disappointed. It was the last place he had for Jungkook and he hadn't recovered his memories. Taehyung had lost hope. They walked out of the school gates. Taehyung turned around to look at the school he studied one last time. He took his time gazing at the scenery.

Jungkook noticed Taehyung wasn't following him so he turned around to see him looking at the building. He looked at the gate.

There was a sudden flash of a memory in his mind.

"Please donate for Kim Taehyung"
"He needs money for his father's health and place to live"
"Mornin' Tae! We're asking for donations for y-"
"What's goin' on here?"
"What are you doing here?"
"Well... I was going to my class but you guys are blocking my way. I feel really sorry for your house... here, lemme donate too-"
"You should know to accept others generosity" 
"Of course I know your name... "

"The playful kiss"

He visualised every moment he was with Taehyung. Without him, he was empty. A part of him was missing. He didn't have a reason for living without his existence. He was everything he needed. He was the reason of his heartbeat. It was him... the love of his life...


Jungkook ran and back hugged Taehyung as he harshly landed on him. Taehyung was startled. He turned around to see Jungkook hugging him as his grip increased with every second.

"I'm so sorry Tae. I suddenly remembered that playful kiss I forced on you six years back. I ignored you all this time. I didn't even-"

Taehyung realised that Jungkook recovered his memories and kissed him. Jungkook responded back. It had been so long since Jungkook tasted Taehyung strawberry lips.

They broke the kiss gasping for air.

"Let's go back home"



Word count : 1062

A slap in the face for haters 🤡💣

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