Chapter 33

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Before he could say anything, the call ended. Jungkook grabbed his leather jacket a bike key and dashed out of the room.

"Sir, we'll come along"

"I should go alone"

"But it's not safe sir. Even if you can fight, Mr. Taehyung can't"

"Yes sir. He might be wounded"

"Fine but stay hidden" Jungkook said as he started the bike and drove off into the forest.

Soon, some of his bodyguards were following him.


I'm so sorry Tae. Wait for me... just a little bit. I'll be there.

How could I be so careless?! I should have gone with him!

Dammit Kook

I drove into the forest to see an abandoned factory.

It was seven in the evening and it was getting dark. I noticed my bodyguards who had just arrived. They hid behind the pillars and the cars in front of the entrance.

I went inside the building. It was dark and creepy. There was light coming from a room, I ran there...


My breath hitched the sight.

Tae was tied to a chair tightly. There were bruises on his arms and legs. His eyes were red and puffy and there was blood on the floor. There was blood dripping from the corner of his parted lips and trickles of blood from his nose too. Stains of dried tears on his cheeks. There was a scar on his forehead and a big cut on his neck.

I was going to run towards him but felt someone point a gun at my head.

"Don't move Jeon"

I turned around not caring about the gun.


"He wouldn't behave. He kept saying that his kookie would rescue him... so we kinda gave him a punishment to lock his annoying mouth"


"Besides, he's really cute, but he's your husband. Do you mind sharing him with us?"

"SON OF A BITCH! I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS!" I growled losing my patience.

"Can you? I ain't gonna shoot you, but Taehyung"

I turned around as he took the gun of me. One of his men had his gun on Tae's chest.

"K-Kookie?" he said trying to open his puffy eyes.

"Tae! Don't move!"

He froze as he realised what was going on.

I turned back to the man.

"What do you want? Why are you doing this?!"

"I want to ruin the Jeon company-"

"You can never ruin my company, Park Bogum!"

I turned to the door to see my old man


"Ah! Jeon! What a lovely surprise for you to come here!"

"Haven't you had enough trying to ruin my company already?"

"But the Kims helped you out didn't they? And now is back to being the best company! You ruined all my plans! I was going to bring you down and rise up-"

"So YOU were behind all that?!" I interrupted.

"Yes it was me. So I'm gonna make you pay by killing your little Taehyung-"


"You won't Bogum!"

And there was the sound of the gun shot.

I turned around to Tae and he was safe. The one who died was the man who was pointing the gun at him. And it was dad who shot him.

"You come into MY place and kill MY men?!"

"This shitty factory is yours?! It's just as ugly as you!" I said making him mad.

"Attack!" Bogum shouted and all his men came running into the room and so did dad's men. They were all fighting as I went to Tae. I cut off the ropes tying him. He had red marks from all that strangling.

"K-Kookie... I-"

"I'll hear you after we get outta here baby"

I carried him as he was too tired to run. I came outside the factory to see two of my bodyguards and our car. I placed him gently in the back seat. I was about to get into the car as I saw my dad.

"Get Tae to the hospital! I'm gonna help dad!" I told the bodyguard as I borrowed a gun from him.

I ran into the chaotic place. My dad shot Bogum which killed him. The factory was on fire. I dragged dad's hand as we ran outside.

But there was a sudden blast from inside the factory. My dad was safe but I hit my head on a rock and fell unconscious.

The last thing I heard was dad calling out my name and everything was blacked out.



I was being taken to the hospital. They cleaned my wounds and I was in a better condition. I was able to move normally. My friends had come to visit me after hearing what happened.

They told me that we were still in Jeju island. I hadn't talked to Kookie yet. He was admitted in the hospital too. I went to his room with my friends. He was talking with his parents.

"Hey Kook" Hoseok entered first followed by everyone else. I was the last one to enter. He greeted everyone except me.

"Who are you?" he asked me.

Everyone was so confused.

"What are you talking about Kook he's your husband"

"Husband? In which world?! I'm straight! Why would I marry a guy?!"

My heart sank when I heard that. What was going on?

"Kookie, it's me Tae! Look! These are our wedding rings!" I told him as I pointed as his ring and showed him mine. He looked at his ring.

"You can't just show me a ring and tell me we're married. Besides, I don't even know you"

I was about to break down before Jimin and Jin hugged me. How could he not know me? Mr.Jeon called the doctor and told him about the situation.


"He remembers everyone except his husband"

"The person he loves the most is it?"


"He has amnesia"

"But how does he remember others?"

"He just lost a part of his memories, and they were probably memories of his husband"


Word count : 1016

nO cAptiOns 🤡-

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