Chapter 1

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Heaven Bestfriend^^ 20Y/O


New, York Harlem
Monday Morning ...

New, York HarlemMonday Morning

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Heaven POV

"Sky, Please I have 15 minutes to get to work" I begged clasping my hands together, I just wanted her to watch darla for me while I was at work

"You gone pay me? cause I don't do sh*t for free" She grumbled rolling her eyes

I nodded my head frantically. "So is that a yes?" I asked hopefully

She huffed but nonetheless nodded her head. "Yeah, whatever"

"Oh! Thank you, thank you, thanks you" I beamed wrapping my arms around her neck

She grunted pushing me off her. "Get yo' ass off me...go to work before you be late" She grumbled grabbing the tv remote from off the arm rest


I quickly picked up my purse that was sitting on my small kitchen counter before walking over to darla who was sitting down at the long small kitchen table eating cereals.

"Bye bye baby, Sister is about to go to work" I smiled softly placing a loving kiss on her forehead

She dropped her spoon inside her bowl pouting. "B-but me will miss you"

I sighed kneeling down on one knee. "I know I will miss you too, but I'm doing this for us so we can live, and maybe things will start to get better" I explained with a hopeful facial expression

She nodded her head sadly before scooping up another spoon of cereals stuffing them inside her mouth. "O-okay"

I smiled softly before standing back up rubbing her back. "I love you niñera" (ninera= baby sister)

She looked up at me with her big doe eyes smiling. "Me love you too" She mumbled softly

I looked down at my phone to see it was 8:50 am. Shit! I looked back at darla smiling weakly. "I'll see you later" I said placing another kiss on her head.

She nodded her head and continued to eat. I rushed towards the front door opening it. "SEE YOU LATER BESTIE!" I shouted out to skyy before closing the door not even hearing what she had to say.

A Girl Name Heaven ✔️Where stories live. Discover now