Chaper 8

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New, York Harlem

Heaven POV

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Heaven POV

"Darla can you be really nice to him" I asked bending down to her level

She did a thinking face before smiling. "Only if he is nice to me" She replied smartly

I stood up laughing. "Trust me, He has no choice but to be nice to you" I smiled grabbing her hand

We walked downstairs getting ready to leave with killa who was currently waiting outside for me to open the door, I could feel my pumps starting to sweat from me being so nervous Why am I so nervous its just food!

I let a shaky breath before slowing opening the door revealing a handsome looking man, Killa was leaning on the door frame looking impatient, As soon as his eyes connected with mines he stood up straight.

He eyes scanned my body head to toe as his tongue ran across his bottom lip making my face flush. "I thought yu' was gone have me waiting all day"

 "I thought yu' was gone have me waiting all day"

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(Tremaine Outfit)

"Sorry, I was just trying to get my sister ready" That was a lie, I just needed an excuse and that was the first thing that popped up in my head.

His eyes shift down to darla making his lips curve up into a small smile, He crunched down to her height. "Hey little one" His deep voice whispered

Darla let go of my hand and poked his face. "Your pretty, and your mouth smells good" She giggled. Oh my god really darla!

I looked down at her with wide eyes before looking back at him. I quickly grabbed her hand moving it from his face. "I'm sorry, she could be a little touchy sometimes"

He chuckled lightly before standing up moving his gaze towards me. "She all gud' Come on let's go get y'all sum to eat" He moved back from the door way and started to walk down stairs

A Girl Name Heaven ✔️Where stories live. Discover now