Chapter 5

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New, York Harlem
8:45 am

New, York Harlem8:45 am

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Heaven POV

I hopped out my car grabbing my purse and phone before locking my car up. As soon as I walked in the coffee shop I heard Mr.Bell call my name.

"Ms.gray when you gladly clock in, I need you to be in my office," His deep voice spoke strictly

I nodded my head and walked inside the back room to clock in. I sat my purse on a empty chair like I always do and clocked in. I stuck my phone inside my back pocket before looking over at the big mirror Mr.bell had inside here. I pulled my hair up into a ponytail and wrapped my rubber band around it, I didn't have time to do my hair this morning, so I got stuck with just tieing my hair into a messy ponytail.

Walking outside the back room I made my way towards Mr.bell office, I took a deep breath trying to calm my nerves before lifting my fist up to knock on his door. I heard him grumble before his deep voice said "come in".

I let out a shaky breath before opening his door peeking my head inside. "Um, you wanted me sir?"

"Come," He said not looking up from his laptop, His eyebrows were knotted together and his hands swiftly typed on the computer keyboard. There's no doubt in my mind that Mr.bell wasn't handsome I just didn't like his personality

I stepped inside his room closing the door behind fiddling with my fingers nervously. What could he possibly want? I just got here I didn't do any wrong I-

"MS.GRAY!" I heard Mr.bell deep voice boomed thru out his whole office followed by his hands slamming down onto his desk angrily

I jumped at the sound of his voice startling me. "Y-yes sir," I squeaked out softly

His dark brown eyes pierced into mines making shivers of fear run down my spine. "estúpida niña, Did you not hear me calling you" He somewhat growled

I blinked my eyes rapidly trying to stop the tears that were trying to build up into my eyes. "No sir, s-sorry sir I wasn't listening"

He gritted his teeth's together letting out a low throaty growl. "Your off Thursday and Friday"

I nodded my head smiling softly. "Thank you sir,"

"Get to work" He muttered rolling up his suit sleeves showcasing his veiny arms.

I nodded my head and quickly turned around, I pulled his door open and walked out. No work Thursday and Friday thank you, Lord!

Walking out to the front counter I grabbed my apron and wrapped it around my neck before grabbing my notepad and pen.

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