Chapter 56

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I know y'all be waiting and I'm soooo freaking sorry😩! I had to take some time off of this Wattpad shit but I'm back will be updating y'all again later, butttt that's only if I hit 200+ votes before midnight ❤️.

Psa. School is hurting me, it's literally killing me🥺

New, York Harlem

Omniscient POV!!!

(a/n: I cringed writing this small smutt, I'm sorry 😬)

"Ohh fuck! I'm cumming!" Keisha cried out, throwing her head back asked the pillow as her orgasm hit her stomach with much army force.

Sky gripped her thick thighs, spreading them open even more, before spitting on Keisha's juicy clit, massaging it in with her tongue. "Mmm, you taste so fucking good baby" Sky moaned, drinking down Keisha's juice until she went dry as a desert.

Keisha smiled, sitting up one her elbows. "Kiss me" She whispered, biting down on her bottom lip, opening her legs wider so sky can crawl through them.

Almost immediately, Sky was between keisha's legs, making her taste her sweet cum & juice. "Your pussy taste like heaven" She groaned, easily slipping 3 fingers inside of Keisha's slimy flesh, pounding them inside of her slick pussy slowly.

"Mm, we gotta stop, Killa is on his way to take me to the mall, he's gonna by the baby some clothes" She moaned, throwing her head back, loving the feeling of sky long finger fucking her wet pussy.

Sky sucked her teeth, pulling her fingers out of Keisha's pussy. "You don't even know what you having" She grumbled, sliding her fingers inside of keisha's mouth so she can taste her sweet juice.

Keisha shrugged, making a popping sound when she got done sucking sky's fingers. "It's just gone be white stuff...and besides, I need it before he found out this baby probably not his anyway" She laughed, sliding off the bed, wrapping the bed sheets around her naked body.

Sky hummed in response, sending a harsh smack the keisha's plastic ass. "Hurry, cuz I want round two when you come back and don't forget we going to see my dad" She said, grabbing her panties off the floor, slipping them on.

Keisha only smirked and walked into the bathroom to take a hot shower, she didn't want to smell like sex around killa. Dropping the sex smelling sheets, leaving her body bare as day, Keisha pulled the shower curtains back and leaned over to cut the hot water on, it always felt good and soothed her aching body.

As Keisha continued to wash the sex off her body, her mind begin to drift over to killa & that slutty bitch heaven for some unknown reason. She didn't know why she started thinking about them all of a sudden, she just did. Them being together made her skin growl and heart glaze over with envy, to say she had hatred towards her wouldn't even be the word to describe how much she dislike her. Why did she have to go after her man? It was plenty men out here in this world but she chose to take her men from her! Keisha was going to make her pay for that, she was going to make her life a living fucking hell, making her wish she never peeked a eye at killa.


Killa squatted down in front of the bleeding man, smirking to himself in a sadistic way. The satisfaction that ran threw his veins at the sight of blood gushing out the men's wound in his leg, brought joy to his heart. "I would stay and torture yu a little long but sadly I can't, I got sum whea tuh go" He grinned, holding his hand out.

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