Chapter 55

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New, York Harlem
To be continued...Saturday afternoon...

Omniscient POV!!!

Omniscient POV!!!

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Heaven & Darla^^

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Heaven & Darla^^

"Come on Darla, time to go" Heaven's soft voice announced from her apartment door as she held it open, awaiting for darla to stop drinking her cup of juice.

Quickly, darla drank down the rest of her juice and tossed the cup in the sink before racing over towards heaven, grabbing her soft hand. "done!" She beamed, smiling up at her big/motherly sister.

Heaven smiled and pulled darla out the door, locking it behind her before they started to make they way down the 3 flights of stairs. "nonna?" Darla squeaked, skipping down a couples stairs then jumping down when she was close to the floor.

"Stop that...and yes, we are going to see ms.nonna" Heaven clarified, pulling out her phone from out her purse when she heard it dinging.

Heaven pushed the big door to the building open, revealing the sunny sky that immediately started to enchants her soft beautiful skin & features, making her glisten with delight, although she did feel sick as a dog and pale as a ghost.

"front!" Darla gushed, running towards the passenger sit, pulling on the door handle. It was only sometimes heaven would let darla sit in the front as she would beg and sometimes cry about getting in the front seat with her. I guess she thought it was fun.

Unlocking her car doors, heaven nodded and walked over to the passenger side, opening the door for her. "Hold on, let me get your booster seat, you know you need that" She grinned, leaning over the arms rest, grabbing darla's booster seat.

A Girl Name Heaven ✔️Where stories live. Discover now