Chapter 62

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Sexual Content. 🥵❗️

New, York Harlem

Omniscient POV!!!

Tremaine pulled his black hoodie over his head as he followed Chico down the hall way with sleeve & Snappa trailing right behind him.

Chico had 3 of his big buff body guards trailing behind the 3 men with Ak-47 guns in their hands. He must've thought that his 3 little guards was suppose to scare them, I guess, but little did he know, tremaine had 2 SUV's loaded with men who was ready to kill for him. This meeting was either going to go good or bad, it was all up to him and how he wanted to play.

The 6 men came to a half stop when Chico stopped at a big black door that had his name on it and pushed it open. Killa snuck a quick glance at sleeve & snappa giving them the head signal and they nodded in apprehension.

They followed Chico inside the clean black room that had big black couches laid out in a circle and listened as the room door slammed shut with a loud thump, making the room vibrated off the walls. To make sure there wasn't any type of funny business going on, tremaine cautiously glance around the room through his hoodie that was nearly covering his dark eyes.

Seeing as there was no suspicious shit going on, he walked over to Chico black couch and took a seat while Chico himself followed right after him, smiling like the sick mother fucker he was.

"Killa, my man!" Chico grinned clasping his hands together as he leaned forward, eyeing him carefully.

Tremaine bit the inside of his cheeks, to reframe from saying anything he wasn't suppose to be saying or doing anything he wasn't suppose to be doing. He already knew what Tremaine was here for so he didn't know why the fuck he was trying to make fucking small talk, which wasn't even needed. See the thing is, Chico was mostly likely trying to get tremaine to pay more than what he usually do for Chico products, seeing that he always seems to do that but it never worked.

"I ain't come hea tuh chat, whatchu got?" Tremaine nonchalantly asks, clearly not in the mood to play any games.

Chico elate facial expression instantly varnished and came in his cold hard solid one as he snapped his fingers. "Open the cabinet and grab it" He ordered and his guards immediately followed.

Tremaine, sleeve & snappa, turned their head in the direction of his guards grabbing Chico products, paling thick pricks of cocaine, caffeine, heroin, xanax and etc, basically all the shit Tremaine always usually buys from him.

The three guards walked over to the 4 men with they hands full of drug products before sitting it on the black table that was between Chico & Tremaine.

"This is new and stronger shit, I just recently got this, not even too long ago..." Chico started off, glancing down at his products before looking back up at tremaine. "This won't be the same price, I'm selling this for a little over 300k, only because it worth way more than what I'm selling it for".

Tremaine stared a Chico, carefully listening to his words, taking in everything he just said. For a split second, his eyes glanced down at the product and from his point of view he could see there was indeed new products as he could clearly see the packages were thicker and bigger than what he would usually purchase. Only thing is, he didn't know if it was any good or not and he wasn't about to let Chico ass play him like a dummy.

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