Chapter 27

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New, York Harlem
That same day...8:01pm


Heaven sat in the passenger, looking outside the window fiddling with her fingers anxiously, trying to figure out had she did something wrong and if so what was it?—She had a feeling something was wrong with Tremaine but she just couldn't put her finger on it and it was making her feel really sad.

His jaw was clenching and unclenching as he drove down the street to Walmart, the event from earlier still heavy on his mind. He couldn't believe his mother would say some bullshit ass words like that, it triggered so many cells inside his body and brain.

Heaven wanted so badly to ask him what was wrong but she didn't want to make him even angry with her nagging questions.

Heaven decided to let darla stay with Mrs.nonna until she gets back, because she just knew that, Tremaine had a slight attitude. Which she did not want darla to see or be around.

Tremaine sharply turned the curve into Walmart, causing heavens body to fly into the door harshly.

She grimaced as she rubbed her arm softly. "Ow" She whispered to herself, shifting in the seat beneath her.

Killa looked at her from his peripheral vision, not saying anything, no sorry, no my bad, no nothing he just kept silent.

Parking into a empty parking space, which was now occupied by his car. He hopped out the car grabbing his phone and slamming the door shut.

Heaven let out a low sigh, not liking the way he was treating her right now. If he had a attitude he could've just left her home and she could've went on her own.

Heaven grabbed her purse and opened the car door hopping out, making sure to close the door behind her. By the time she was out the car, tremaine was already by the entrance waiting on her.

She shyly kept her head down as she walked up to him. People were staring and murmuring words she couldn't quite comprehend, which made her fidget around a little.

Tremaine let out a low growl, he was slowly starting to get impatient with her slow ass walking. "Can yu' hurry up? Damn" He hurled, walking up to her gently grabbing her arm.

Heaven small frame jerked forward as he pulled her inside the entrance, grabbing a buggy. She tucked some hair behind her ear, blushing in embarrassment. "Erm—s-sorry" Her soft voice spoke quietly.

He grunted in response. "Where all yu' gotta go at in this place? cuz I don't wanna be hea all day with these people staring all up in mah damn face" He asked peeved, gazing down into her soft brown kind eyes. Tremaine hated how cute she was and she wasn't even doing shit, she was just standing there gaping up at him, like a damn puppy.

Her eyes glanced around the big store before her eyes landed on the cereal aisle. "W-we can go to the c-cereal aisle first." She squeaked out, instantly becoming embarrassment because of her stupid voice failing her like it always does.

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