Chapter 30

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New, York Harlem
8:37 am

Omniscient POV!!!

Heaven stood in the bathroom brushing her teeth and humming along to Alicia keys "Brand New Me", when suddenly the bathroom door swung open, startling her.

Her eyes flickered up to the mirror, only to see the reflection of Tremaine standing there, leaning on the door frame. "Good morning," It came out Incredulous due, to the toothbrush that was still inside her mouth. A little drool spilled from out the side of her mouth and into the sink.

Treamine smirked and walked behind her, wrapping his hands around her waist. "Morning, babygirl" His raspy silky voice whispered in her ear, as his thick lips kissed her neck and shoulder.

Heaven shivered beneath him. "Is Darla up" She muttered, before bending over slightly to spit the toothpaste out her mouth.

Tremaine bit his bottom lip, nodding his head. "Yeh, she downstairs eating cereal and watching tv" He murmured mesmerized.

He gripped her waist, slightly bumming into heaven, causing her to jump forward. She frowned her eyebrows and glanced up at through the mirror. "Tremaine!" She blushed. Using her sleeve, she wipe the remaining drool off her mouth.

He looked at her through the mirror, still biting down on his bottom lip. "I like dis position yu' in" He groaned, sending a gently smack to her bottom.

Heaven stood up, slightly shoving him back in embarrassment. "Don't say that" She whispered, trying to walk pass him, but he blocked her way.

As soon as she looked up at him, his big veiny hand gently wrapped around her throat. "Yu' can't be seducing me like dat' lil girl" He rasped out deeply, as his slightly dilated lechery eyes gazed down at her lips.

Heaven heart plummet in her rib cage and her hands started to tremble, but not with fear, It was another feeling she wasn't all to familiar with. "W-what are you doing" Her voice was soft and fragile, almost like a whisper.

Her hands laid flatly on his chest, as he trapped her between the sink and himself. Tremaine closed the bathroom door, locking it as he did so. "Tremaine my s-sister is down stairs" She tried to reason with him, her breathing picked up rather quickly, due to the intense staring contest they were having with each other.

Killa left hand connected with her bottom and squeezed it before lifting her dainty body up on the sink, by her under thighs with ease. He stuffed his face in the crook of her neck, inhaling her coconut scent deeply. "Fuck!" He hissed, detaching his hand from her neck, putting it on her bottom. Tremaine gripped her ass tightly with both hands, before thrusting into her involuntarily.

Heaven shift around a little, trying ease the tingling feeling she had in between her thick thighs. She felt—good and her panties were damp't. The feeling of a hard object adding pressure to her core, made her jump back a bit.

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