Chapter 2

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Heaven Lil Sister^^ 2Y/O

New, York Harlem
Tuesday 7:00 am

New, York HarlemTuesday 7:00 am

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Heaven POV


I snatched my comfortable covers from off my face and rolled over slamming my hand down on my clock causing it to immediately stop buzzing.

"Oh my god," I muttered to myself, I threw my covers off me and sat up.

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes before looking over at my small black clock 7:03 am. I let out a small yawn before getting up walking towards my bathroom. I flicked on my light and a sleepy zombie appeared in the mirror.

"I look like trash" I giggled to myself grabbing my toothbrush

I added a little toothpaste before cutting on some water to wet it and begin to brush my teeth. Once I was done I washed my mouth out and walked out the bathroom to wake up Darla. Good thing we took a shower last night.

I walked over to the other side of my bed and shook her softly. "Darla"

She stirred in her sleep mumbling some words that I couldn't comprehend. "Darla, baby you have to wake up"

"H-heaven?" She murmured softly opening her eyes

I nodded my head smiling. "Yes it's your big sister, Can you wake up for me I have to go to work"

She nodded her head rubbing the sleep from her eyes before sitting up. "Auntie sky watch me?" She asked looking up at me

I sighed shaking my head. "Auntie sky have work today just like me so, Mrs.nonna is going to watch you"

She smiled brightly. "Yay! I love Mrs.nonna" She beamed quickly jumping off the bed

I chuckled softly. "Good, now can you go in there and brush your teeth for me? Hm?" I teased pinching her cheeks

She giggled nodding her head before running off towards the bathroom.

I stood up stretching before walking over towards my medium size mirror that I had across my small size room. I decided to just pull my 24-inch weave into a ponytail and add a white headband to it. I took some mascara and added it to my already long eyelashes then put on some lipgloss.

"Done!" Darla smiled showing me her little straight white teeth

"Good girl" I smiled softly before standing up. "Now let's look for me and you some clothes"

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