Chapter 46

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I'm only updating by y'all because y'all gave me 200+ votes in under 24 hours 😩!

Who first?

New, York Harlem
To be continued...

Omniscient POV!!

Pulling up to Tremaine's mother house, he put his car in P and reached his hand back to grab a small bag. Looking over at heaven, he kissed her lips sweetly. "Stay put, I needs go drop sum'n off" He said, giving her lips another kiss, before kissing her forehead.

Heaven's narrowed her eyes at him, causing 3 lines to appear on her forehead. "It would be rude, I need to go say hey to mama" She dismissed his command about to open up the door, but tremaine grabbed her hand.

"I'll tell her tyh come outside, just sit tight fo meh" Kissing her lips once more, he let go of her arm & quickly hopped out the car, slamming the door behind him.

Heaven leaned her seat back a little, letting out a low sigh. Truth be told, she was ready to get this day over with, because she really missed her sister, like literally she would do anything just to see her pretty little face right now.

As eyes fluttered shut, she felt something wet drop down onto her hand and froze. Narrowing her eyebrows, she opened her brown eyes & looked down at her hand, trying to wipe it off, but another wet substance fell onto her hand again. Looking up, she seen the car didn't have any type of hole in it, so where was this wetness coming from?.

Heaven glanced over at the rearview mirror, doing a double take, when she seen her cheeks were slightly wet and had some of her makeup coming off. "Shoot!" She exclaimed, quickly opening up the glove compartment, snatching out some napkins.

She heard Mrs.East door open up and it made her glance up to see tremaine & his mother walking out the house. Mrs. East had a bright smile on her face, as she rushed towards the car to see heaven. Quickly, heaven flicked the sun visor down and begin to dap her face gently.

She dapped her eyes a little bit, mentally cursing herself for weeping over something so small & stupid. "Heaven!" Mrs.East beamed.

Flicking the sun visor up, she stuffed the napkins back inside the glove compartment and unlocked the car door stepping out, already knowing she wanted a hug. "Hi mama" She squeaks out, when Mrs.East pulled her into a tight motherly hug.

Geez! To be an old women, she sure did have a good grip on her.

Pulling back from they hug, Mrs.East cupped heavens soft cheeks and kissed her forehead and nose. She adore her so much. "Oh lord, you're so beautiful, it feels like I haven't seen you in ages" She expressed, caressing her cheeks.

Luckily, heaven had on makeup as she was sure her face would've been hell hot right now. "I missed you too mama" She enunciate each word genuinely.

Their attention turned to Killa, when they heard the sound of his car roaring to life. "I don't mean tuh ruin y'all moment, buh mom we really have tuh go, I got sum'n planned for us today".

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