Chapter 34

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New, York Harlem
3days before heaven's nasty 19

Omniscient POV!!!

"—Please can y'all come with me" Heaven desperately begged the 3 men that sat on Tremaine's couch smoking.

Heaven & Sky were going to the mall today, to pick out some outfits & shoes, for the club they were going to go to her birthday, and she desperately wanted Tremaine them to go, but they weren't having it. They couldn't stand Sky ass for shit.

Snappa dust the remaining weed of his pants & glanced up at heaven. "Sorry, lil ma, but i ain't going. I can't stand yo' friend" He responded simply.

Heaven pouted. "Tremaine? Damascus?" She asked optimistically, with a small smile tugging at her pretty lips.

Sleeve couldn't resist it. He had to say yes to the little angel/ best friend in front of him. With a low groan, he nodded his head stiffly. "Um, Yeh I'll come" He complied, before glancing over at Tremaine with a 'are you going' facial expression.

Tremaine stared at heaven's petite figure, as he took a long drag, from his freshly rolled blunt before exhaling the smoke out slowly; only to suck some of it right back up.. "Yu really want meh to go with yu?".

Heaven nodded her head hysterically

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Heaven nodded her head hysterically. "Yes please, I don't want to go by myself, I sometimes don't feel comfortable, well not anymore because she ask a lot of questions and-" She started to ramble on, about why she wanted them to go out of nervousness, but immediately got cut off by Tremaine standing up.

"Lght, lght. I'll go with yu, princess" He muttered undefended. Tremaine knew he couldn't resist that fucking look she was giving him. She knew what the fuck she was doing to, and that's what made it so fucking irritating.

"Shii, I might as well go then" Snappa rejoined, as he stood up from Tremaine's couch.

Heaven squealed & hugged each on of them one by one. "Thanks guys, I-I'll be right back" She jumped up & down, in elate. "I'll go get darla, and then we'll take my car" She proposed to them.

Tremaine's once cold heart swelled up with joy & pleasure, when he seen the glee facial expression the dainty girl had.

As soon as heaven left to go upstairs. The men groaned in annoyance. "Why do she hang with dat bitch?" Sleeve asked bitterly.

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