Chapter 12

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ShawnAkaSnappa^^ 21Y/O

New, York Harlem
6:32 pm To be continued...

New, York Harlem 6:32 pm To be continued

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Heaven POV

"Heaven, can you just tell me what's wrong" Sky stressed sitting down next to me on the couch.

I shook my head. If I told her what happened she would freak and probably would try to go kill Tremaine. "It's nothing" I uttered flicking on the tv.

She sucked her teeth. "why you lying to me, I suppose to be your bestfriend" She crossed her hands over her chest pouting.

Great! Now she making me feel guilty, she always does this. "Sky it's nothing" I turned the channel to Spongebob and turned it up a little.

"If nothing is wrong, way was you crying in the car!" She snapped quirking her eyebrows up at me.

I cringed closing my eyes at her loud voice yelling in my ear. "Can you just quit it already" I whispered gritting my teeth together, she was getting on my nerves.

"I don't care if I'm getting on your nerves Heaven, tell me what's wrong! Please" She desperately begged grabbing my hands. "Tell me, who messing with you?"

I'm going to regret this. "Killa" I muttered hoping she didn't hear me but of course her big ole ears heard me.

She shot up from the couch with angry eyes. "What? that nigga was at the mall?" She screeched causing Darla jump a little in her sleep.

I rubbed her back soothingly before glaring up at sky. "Can you keep it down, my sister is sleeping" I hissed rolling my eyes.

She took a deep breath before opening her eyes pacing the room. "What the f*ck did he say to you heaven?" She demanded.

I sighed lowly rubbing my temples. "He wasn't there, his friends were, they was just saying how I need to unblock his number or he'll come here"

She flared her nostrils. "He must be sucking d*ck, If he come here he gone be getting his ass whoop"

I cringed at her distasteful words. "Can you stop with the nasty words, It's fine his not going to come because I'll call the cops" I shrugged focusing back on spongebob.

"POLICE? B*tch them f*ckers not going to do sh*t! Many people called the police on his dangerous ass...that can't catch him...and plus his auntie a correction officer" She explained before rolling her eyes with a deep scowl tracing her lips.

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