Chapter 59

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Sexual Content Up AHead MyReaders✨🥵

I'll give another update later! Stay tuned 😘, I MISS YOU GUYSSS

New, York Harlem
Next Day...

Omniscient POV!!!

Buzz!Buzz!Buzz!—Heaven groaned, slapping her hand over her buzzing clock, immediately silencing it. Bring her hand up to her head groaning once more, she sat up but immediately laid right back down in the bed, when pain shot through her lower abdomen.

"Ow!" She whimpered, holding her sore honeyspot, laying back down in the bed. As she continues to lay in the same spot she felt asleep in for some minutes a faint smile started to appear on her thick lips as she thought back to last night.

It so very weird how when yesterday she was upset about being pregnant but now, she's not so upset about it. The sex she had with Tremaine last night was more than amazing, it was outstanding, actually, it was always outstanding but that was besides the point. Something about last night just felt different, it felt better than when he took her virginity and she was way wetter. It's like her hormones were more eagered to have intercourse with him & her pussy was suddenly very sensitive.

Lately, she just been very horny and was in need for some raw sex, that's probably why she been so grumpy about being pregnant.

Heaven mentally shook her head and glanced over by her side were tremaine felled asleep last night. "What the-?" She slowly lift her head up to see if her eyes was playing games on her but they wasn't.

He left?...

Heaven slowly sat up, removing the comforter off her body, exposing her naked half but she didn't really too much care for it, her mind was just focused on killa & where could he be right now. Seeing that the bathroom light was on, she walked over to the door and twisted it. It's unlock.

Usually, when Killa was in the bathroom, he would lock the door and kick his clothes off by it but she didn't see or feel either or. "Did he really just leave without waking me up" She asked herself in disbelief as she pushed open the bathroom door, and just like she thought he wasn't there.

Heaven sucked her teeth, closing the door back. Why would he leave without telling her, he would usually tell her so what was so different about telling her now?

Limping back over to her bed, she grabbed her phone off her dresser and check to see if she at least had a iMessage from him but she didn't have that either. "Really tremaine" She grumbled, tossing her phone back on the dresser, flopping down on the bed, wincing as she did so, due to her aching bare ass & raw sore pussy.

Heaven ran a free hand through her hair, letting out a loud yawn and that's when it hit her, it hit her like lighting knocking down a thick tall tree. She had work today.

"Shit!" She quickly sat up, despite the harsh pain she felt in her lower abdomen and looked over at her clock. 9:47am. Her eyes went wide as an owl as she quickly rushed to her closet, rambling through it for some work pants & shirt, not wanting to waste anytime.

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