IV) Return

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I flip on my living room lights with a yawn, ignoring the groans of the disgruntled man on my couch. He whines and pulls his thin blanket over his head. Oh no you don't. I wrestle it away, throwing his wrinkled jacket at him to cover his half-naked body.

"Get up, loser."

"Don't wanna," he grumbles, rubbing his drooly face on my couch cushions. I huff, smacking him across the back of the head and opening the curtains to let the light of the rising sun beam into the room.

"You're the one that came knocking in the middle of the night."


"Up, Reno."


Rolling my eyes, I leave him be and hit the shower. Idiot nearly got public security called on me the way he was pounding on my door at three in the morning. Drunkard. I sigh, letting my eyes close and taking a deep breath. I can do this. Six years. Six whole years since I was among their ranks. You'd think Tseng would force me to redo all the training, but I guess if he's desperate enough to hire me, he needs the help now. They've lost so many people...

Reno's dressed by the time I head to the kitchen, but he doesn't look happy about it. He follows me deeper into the apartment, running from the light, and slumps against the counter. I pull a mug down from my cabinet, raising an eyebrow.


"Yeah." He takes it and drinks half the cup in one sip, not caring that it's hot enough to cook him from the inside out. I shake my head and take a more careful approach. This doesn't feel real. "Don't look like you're comin' in with me today," he comments, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, well..." I shrug. "I'm assuming Tseng's gonna give me something once I get there."

"Tseng?" Reno snorts, taking another long drink and pouring the last bit of coffee down the drain with a crinkle of his nose. "Hate that #$%^."

"Tseng what?" I press, wrestling a smile. He only drinks coffee when he's hungover.

"He's not gonna give you jack."

"What do you mean?" Suddenly, I'm panicking. Should I have bought my own uniform yesterday? I don't have money for that.

"You'll see."


"Don't wanna be late on your first day, do ya?" Reno grins, heading for the door. "Let's get movin'!"

Tseng's office is easy to find. Reno leaves me with a final sly smile, heading to his own space with his shirt untucked and half-buttoned. The circles under his eyes are visible even from across the lobby. I take a deep breath before knocking, listening hard for Tseng's voice. I hear a draw close and a few keys tapping. What's he doing?

"Come in."

"Hiding your naughty photos?" I ask, stepping inside. He pretends not to hear me.

"You actually came."

"Why wouldn't I?" I cross my arms, resting my weight on my left hip. "I'm not that bad."

"Yes, well, people change." He stands, leading the way back out.

"Where are we going?"

"The President wants to meet with you."

"Wait, seriously?" Goosebumps prickle across my skin and a cold sweat breaks out across my forehead. When I look like this?

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