XIX) Conflict

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"Get off the couch," a boy demands, crossing his muscular arms. He's older than me by a few years, by the looks of it. "Dad's gonna be home soon and he'll want this spot."

"Okay." I roll off the cushions, clambering to my feet. I turn to talk to him, but he's already heading upstairs. Huffing, I cross my arms. Fine.

Sighing, I pull my sweater tighter to my skin with a shiver and head to the kitchen. Dad never bothers to pay for heat during the two months out of the year when Midgar gets cold. We've spent the last few days waiting for Mom to return. I would call, but I don't know where she went. Huffing, I shake my head. Tseng was supposed to get here two hours ago. My stomach growls and I open the empty fridge.

Across the house, my sister wails. The twins laugh, running away and shoving each other back and forth. The girl chases them, sniffling as she clutches her beheaded teddy bear. When I turn to watch them tease her, someone bangs on the door.

"Anna, get the door!"

"Yeah, Anna!"

Anna? The older boy pushes my back, startling me.

"Hey, that's you, dummy."

"Don't call me that," I mutter, tugging the front door open to reveal Tseng. He raises an eyebrow. "Hi?"

"Sorry I'm late. I forgot my key."

"Okay." I step aside to let him in. He watches the twins run in circles before turning back to me.

"Has your father come home yet?"

"Nope. Mom hasn't either. Where were you?"

"Work." He frowns, turning back to the children. "Boys, put your shirts back on and clean up this mess."

"Whatever, Mom," one scoffs, rolling his eyes and shoving his brother with a squeal.

They forget their uncle's order almost immediately, returning to their screaming as Tseng heaves my sister into his arms, tense and irate. This isn't his job. I press my lips together and look down at the floor. I should've kept things tidier, so he didn't have to worry. I could have at least tried to make dinner out of our remaining canned tomatoes and slices of bread. If I really cared, I could've made the boys calm down. Tseng bites his tongue when the boys run past, now missing their pants. I wish I was better. I'm sorry.


"Miss Kitty, are you okay?"

"Just tired," I mutter, sipping on my second cup of coffee.

"Why? Because you slept on the couch?"

"I just didn't sleep."

"But nighttime is for sleeping!"

"Yeah, right?" I scoff, shaking my head. Wish my body knew that. I turn to Elmyra. "Are you guys ready to head out?"

"Nearly." She smooths her apron, raising an eyebrow. "Marlene hasn't finished eating."

"You should have breakfast!" Marlene chirps around a mouthful of jellied toast. "It's super important! That's what Tifa always tells me."

"She seems like the type."

"What's that mean?"

"Nothing. Finish your breakfast, kid. We've got places to be."

The flight to Kalm is relatively silent, save for the sounds of the blades slicing through the air. Marlene holds her headphones over her ears and stands on her toes to look out the window, eyes wide with awe. Elmyra hugs her arms close to her body, trying to hide her frayed nerves. We land on a pad outside the city and I follow Reeve's directions to a house hidden well within the city's towering walls. The cobblestone nearly blinds me with its pristine blue color and the smiles of passing strangers make my stomach twist into knots. It's like they live every day celebrating the fact that they were lucky enough to be born outside the garbage pit mere miles away.

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