VIII) Doctor, Doctor

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"C'mon, Re, quit being so dramatic," I huff, his weight nearly crushing me as he leans my way more than Rude's. He woke up on the ride back and refused to let Rude carry him to the infirmary, insisting that he couldn't wound his pride any more than he already had.

"Ain't bein' dramatic," he snaps, eyes screwed shut as he takes another painful step.

"Yeah, okay."

"He is leaving a trail," Rude remarks, glancing over his shoulder at the line of muddy, occasionally bloody, skid marks that lead to us.

"Whose side are you on?" I demand, struggling to keep Reno upright with my own injuries to deal with.

"Lucky I was there to take the hits for ya," Reno drawls sleepily, grimacing as Rude tugs on his arm. I scoff.

"You picked on the wrong guy, Re. Not my fault."

"Couldn't hit the girl."

"But you did."

"Yeah." He laughs to himself, wincing. "Only cuz she hit you first."

"Gee, thanks."

"No problem, babe."

One of the many Shinra doctors around us finally gestures for us to enter his office, finally letting Reno lay on something other than me. The doctor sighs, straightening his lab coat and helping Reno lie flat on his back before pressing his stethoscope to the redhead's chest. I stand back, arms crossed and slumping against the wall to give my legs a break. Reno flinches when the cold metal touches his skin, groaning and squeezing his eyes shut.

"Do I even want to know?" the doctor asks, stepping back to scribble something down on a sheet of paper. "You look like #$%^, but at least your heart's still beating."

"Got roughed up in a fight," Reno mumbles.

"I can see that." He shoots his patient a stern look. "Were you alone?"

"No, Rude 'n Kat..."

"A rude cat?"

"No," I laugh, shaking my head. I wince, feeling a sharp pain in my side where Tifa got me good. "His name's Rude and mine's Kat."

"Ah, okay." He stands, forcing Reno to sit up. "Sorry, sir, I'm going to need to get a better look at your wounds." Huffing a short laugh, he glances up at us. "Apologies, but you have to leave now. I hear Reno of the Turks tends to surprise the medical personnel by going commando."

"Why doesn't that surprise me," I sigh, forcing myself off the wall and heading outside.

"Freeing," is all Reno gets out.

"Looks like #$%^," I comment, watching Rude close the door. He nods. "Does he usually get that beat up?"

"This is something of a unique situation."


I sink to the floor, letting my head loll back against the wall but refusing to fall asleep. I have to know he's okay before that. Not that he looks like he's on his death bed, but if he's gonna be stuck here, he might get a little looney. I jump when the door the Reno's room opens and the doctor steps outside.

"He okay?"

"Yes. He's asleep." He nods down the hallway toward the next open room. "Go see if Marx will take you. You're looking in a bad way yourself."

"Not as bad as him."

"Well, bad nonetheless."

Sighing, I raise an arm and wave my hand around until Rude catches my drift and pulls me onto my feet. Marx... Why is that name familiar? I head a few doors down, knocking on the open door. A man with a tight ponytail and a bushy beard turns around, raising an eyebrow over his gray eyes. Time feels frozen as I stare hard at him, breath caught in my chest. He looks me up and down with an equal look of surprise. My heart skips a beat. Why can't I remember why I...? The man, Marx, shakes his head, gesturing for me to entire his office.

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