XVII) Off Guard

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"Ah! Hello, Kat!"

I step into his workspace. "Hey, Omid."

"What does Kat need? New suit?"

"Yeah, actually," I admit, awed when he hands me a stack of three.

"Careful wit' dem. Can only make so many at a time."

"Right. Sorry."

Errands complete for the day, I change into a uniform just for fun, pop a few pills for my returning headache, and cross the hall. I knock on Rude's door three times, crossing my arms as I wait. He opens the door with an eyebrow raised.



"I—" I stop, shaking my head. "Sorry. Is Reno here?"

"... You came here to look for Reno?"

"Well, is he?" Rude sighs and steps back, letting me in.


"Then get off my back," I scold, stepping inside and standing on my toes to see Reno sitting by himself at the kitchen counter, head held up on his chin and fingers turning a coin over and over. Sighing, I brush past Rude, sitting down beside his partner and staring hard at the counter.

"What do you want?" he asks, voice sullen.

"To talk."

"..." Reno looks over his shoulder at Rude, who shakes his head and heads to his room to leave us alone. Once the door closes, he speaks again, sitting up and crossing his arms. "Spill."

"Why are you mad at me?" I ask. When he starts to protest, I shake my head and pick a dog hair off his knee. "Don't give me that look. You've spent too much time around Tseng."

"Oh, you mean your uncle?"

"Is that why?" I scoff. He shakes his head.

"No, it's just... I dunno. I know you're not here for no reason, but the rest of us had to work our butts off. People got cut all the time and found new lives. But you—"

"I know." I sigh, resting my arms on the counter. "I haven't done anything remotely useful since Tseng brought me back."

"I don't wanna think he just got desperate."

"But he did. That's the thing." He twists around to face me, watching me shrug. "I guess it is what it is. He'll let me go once he's sick of me."

"... I know."

"Is that what's got your panties in a knot?"

"I don't wear panties," he snorts, grinning. I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, you don't wear anything."

"Depends on the day." He sighs, his smile fading, and reaches forward to tug on my hair. "That's not all."


"When you went to look for Hojo, I managed to get somethin' outta Rude," he admits, finally relaxed for once. His pale eyes stare hard at my hair as he runs a finger down a section, smoothing it. I frown, but I don't pull away. No one's allowed to touch you. "I guess... I learned stuff I didn't wanna know. But I can't blame you for what happened." But what did happen? Upon seeing my confusion, he shakes his head, pulling away. "It wasn't you."

"... What did he say?"

"I—" Reno frowns, running his tongue over his lips. "Marx said you'd remember eventually, right?"

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