XIII) Remember When

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I stare through the helicopter window, staring longingly at the ground as we wait for Rufus to entire the helicopter. He stands outside, giving Heidegger that look that I know all too well. That, and we're waiting for Elena because she left to go pee in a random nearby building. Tseng sits in the front beside Reno, though he constantly glances back at me. Rude's with the other chopper that's carrying Heidegger and Scarlet to wherever this random town is that they're supposed to be regrouping in.

The plan is to drop Rufus, Heidegger, Scarlet, and Tseng, leaving them one chopper, and then take the other back to Shinra with the rest of our sorry butts. We won't be back in Midgar until tomorrow at the earliest, and I'm okay with that. I pull the door open when Rufus comes toward us and Heidegger runs around the docks, screaming at sailors and soldiers alike. Must not be used to criticism. Rufus steps past me and I catch a waft of the sea's scent from the outside, sticking my face out in the warm sun of Costa del Sol for a moment.

"When's Elena comin' back?" Reno asks, yawning and stretching his arms over his head.

"I'm not sure," Tseng sighs, getting impatient.

"How long's it take a girl to pee," I scoff, falling into the seat beside Rufus. He frowns at me when I almost touch him.

"How should we know?" Reno retorts, turning to grin at me. "You're the only one here."

"Maybe she's having issues."

"Like what? It's stuck inside her?"

"It happens."

"What?" Reno raises his eyebrows. "No, it can't. That's BS."

"Even heard of a UTI?" I fire back. "It just doesn't come out."

"#$%^&*^$," he huffs, falling back into his seat.

"No, it's not." I almost scream with relief when Elena hops into the chopper and closes the door behind her. I spread my arms wide, my voice laced thick with sarcasm. "Pick a seat, any seat!" Rufus scowls at the hand in his face, leaning away from my arm and staring out the window.

"How much did you drink?" Tseng asks, frowning at me. I roll my eyes, slumping in my seat.

"Not enough."

"Grand," Rufus says under his breath.

"Put your bony butt on me and you die," I threaten when Elena begins to sit a little too close.

"It's not bony—"

"Smaller chopper than the last," Reno comments, grinning back at us. "Packed in like little sardines, huh? Bet the VP—sorry, just the P—is lovin' the female attention!"

"Can we leave?" Rufus snaps, making a point of jerking his leg away from mine.

"Working on it," Tseng mutters.

Slowly, we rise into the bright, summery sky and take off, leaving Coast del Sol behind. Much to my delight, I'll be back later while the helicopter refuels. Rufus lays his head against the glass with a sigh, staring at the clouds. His face goes from neutral to a scowl when I can't stop fidgeting—I'm not used to sitting hip to hip with my boss, okay? Sighing, I lay my head on the back of the seat, stuck between two people that I'm not too fond of. If I fall asleep, everyone will yell at me, so I keep my eyes open, staring hard at the ceiling as I wonder about Tyler Marx and all that he's hiding from me.

When we land, I pull the door open and send Tseng off with a smile. He hands me a key and lets me know that if I need anything or if Reno gets sick of me, I can stay in his place. I roll my eyes and shove it in my pocket. Relieved with the promise of a comfy bed, I wave to Rufus, too.

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