XVI) Revealed

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Everything hurts when I'm turned onto my back. The fingers pressed to my neck, searching for a pulse, burn my skin. My bones cry out in agony when two arms lift me into the air, life-flighting me into the hallway where hushed voices converse quickly. The light stings my eyelids and my groan echoes around my head like a cry for help in an empty cave. The voices go quiet. My head throbs when it touches a pillow and a sharp pressure comes from my face before every sense fades one by one.

The next time I wake up, I'm staring up at a bright ceiling that shoots a blaring pain through my skull. I squeeze my eyes back shut, wincing. I try to lift my arm to shield my face from the light, but that hurts even more.

"Take it easy."

I jump, that agonizing pain blinding me again. I brave it through narrowed eyes to see Tseng sitting at my bedside, arms crossed. "#$%^," I huff, letting myself fall backward. "I'm—"

"No. I am not particularly pleased that I had to fly back here in a rush because you were reported missing only for me to find that you'd thrown a temper tantrum in my home." He frowns. "You will be paying for those damages, by the way."

"I know," I sigh. "Tseng, I'm sorry. I don't know what happened."

"To me, it looks like you threw a drunken fit in my—"

"No, that's not it."

"Then what? I thought you didn't know."

"... They came back," I mumble, staring up at the lights until I get used to the lights.


"Voices." He doesn't answer. I take a deep breath, shaking my head. Ow. "They... told me that you were going to die. You, Rufus, and Reno. And that I was going to do it." I bite down on the inside of my cheek, forcing myself to look at him. "I didn't know what was happening. I was afraid."

"And Marx?"

"They didn't mention him." I turn back to the ceiling. "I don't know what to do."

"The effects wore off early," he murmurs. I frown.

"You told him to—"

"Yes, you already knew that," he retorts, raising an eyebrow. "How much do you remember?"

"Just the bits and pieces I've seen over the past week or so."

"Kat..." he sighs, shaking his head. "There were inexcusable things that you did. I had to take precautions to ensure your safety beyond Sector Two."

"Why does everyone keep talking about Sector Two?" I scoff, rolling my eyes. "Why won't you tell me what happened?"

"You'll see for yourself soon enough."

"Fine. Be that way." I toy with the blankets. "How long have I been here?"

"You were last seen eighteen hours before I found you," he answers, though his voice sounds distant. "You've been in bed for two days."

"Three days," I mutter. "Reno didn't say anything?"

"No. Did he know where you went?"

"No..." I shake my head. You're mine. I shiver, dreading the next time I have to see him. It makes me sick to know everything was fine a few days ago, but now, I can't stand the thought of seeing my closest friend. "Does he know?"


"Where I was?"

"He was there when I found you," he replies, frowning. "What difference does it make?"

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