XX) Katie

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Tired, I knock on Reeve's door. It takes a moment, but he finally calls me in. He glances up at me, pressing a finger to his lips. I close the door carefully and wait for him to finish talking to Avalanche. On his screen, I see two windows, both from different perspectives.

"Two Caits," he explains, pulling his headset off and straightening.

"Do you need help with them?" I ask, eager for anything to do. He shakes his head quickly.

"No, I can't have you do that."

"Why not? All I gotta do is keep him on track and answer questions through the program."

"Well, yes..." He sighs, holding his headset back up. After a moment, he sets it back down. "Sorry. Cloud was irritated about something. If you don't mind, you can sit for me while I run to get something to eat."


I pull the headphones on, watching Avalanche through Cait Sith's eyes. The Temple is a long tunnel, winding through corridors of ancient stone and shimmering mist that feel like something out of a fairy tale. A small group of them fight off a living wall (yes, that's right. A living wall.) with magic and Cloud's enormous sword, eventually breaking it to pieces. Cait's mog pumps out a paper fortune just as Reeve returns.

"Hello?" I ask, muting the mic. He motions for me to get up.

"Thank you. Rude told me to have you meet him in his home. Something about Reno."

"Of course it is," I huff, handing him the headphones.

He speaks again when I reach for the doorknob. "Kat?"


"Please don't take control of Cait when I'm not around. I have a very strict system to follow."

"You don't have to worry about me," I laugh, shaking my head. "That was boring."

"Good," he smiles.

Irritated that Reno's upset yet again, I head down to the apartment floor and follow the sounds of arguing. Rude's standing in front of his door, his arms crossed as Reno paces, rambling. My friend turns to see me and throws his hands in the air.

"Speak of the devil!" he cries. "The royal #$%^& herself has arrived!"

"Reno, stop," Rude huffs, touching his glasses.

I cross my arms, stepping between the two. "What's your problem now?"

"Nothing!" Reno shouts, turning and running his hands through his hair. "Nothing's wrong, Princess."

"Then why are you acting like a child?"

"Oh, I'm acting like a child?!" He whirls back around to point a finger in my face. "You can't even breathe without my help! Quit actin' like you didn't do anything wrong!"

"I didn't do anything," I argue, pushing his hand away.


"Oh, don't worry, Rude. I won't touch 'er. Go ahead! Take your girl and run off into the sunset with her!"

"Reno, what the—" I start, confused. He shakes his head, interrupting.

"No, really. You two were just meant to be!"

"Rude's really not my type," I scoff, glancing up at the bald man. "No offense, dude. Reno can keep you."

"Oh, sure, that's what I want." He throws a hand out in Rude's direction. "C'mon, Rudie, let's go have our happily ever after."

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