XXXVI) L is for Loser

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Midgar is dark, black as night with only rogue mako sparks drifting past like shooting stars to provide light. In the distance, an enormous, looming monster birthed as a guardian of the planet looms at the ready, preparing to destroy this death trap of a city. Elena rests her hand against the glass, eyes locked on the gargantuan creature.

"Do you think it'll get us before Meteor does?"

"Doubt it," Reno replies, leaning against the window and peering at the horizon over my head. Rude grunts, touching his glasses. "We got the giant gun, remember?"

"I guess."

"It doesn't inspire much confidence," I point out, crossing my arms. "Not when half the workers have been treating it like a suicidal slip-n-slide." The ground rumbles and Elena jerks away from the glass, startled.

"I think it's going to fire soon."

"Should we scram?" Reno suggests, jerking his head back toward the elevator doors. I nod.

As a group, we head for the executive elevators, dreading the incoming impact of our new unpredictable toy. Just as Reno's bony finger reaches for the glowing arrows on the wall, the power flickers and the building is swallowed in deep silence. It's beyond eerie.

"No, no, no," he hisses, banging a fist on the steel door. It doesn't budge.

"The power's out," Elena whimpers, huddling closer to my side. "It sucked us dry."

"Don't say it like that," I scoff with a grimace.

The ground's trembling only grows stronger as bright green light flares through the reactors' pumps and flows into the Sister Ray. With nowhere to go, we watch the cannon rear her ugly head back toward the building, sights on the Weapon on the horizon.

For a moment, the world holds its breath. Everything is silent and still. Elena clutches my arm and Reno's hand squeezes my shoulder. It feels like forever. But a moment is only a moment, and before we can take another breath, the Sister Ray fires. The force of the shot sends entire panes of glass rocketing backward into the face of the Shinra Headquarters. I duck my head, grateful when Rude uses his much larger frame as a shield for the rest of us.

The shaking ceases quickly and we hurry toward the open holes in the wall, watching in awe as the Weapon, now with a gaping hole in its chest, lies on the ground, the amber lights across its porcelain body flickering out as its power returns to the Planet. Miles into the distance, the faint glow of the Sephiroth's barrier, the one thing protecting him from any damage, flickers out. My heart skips a beat.

"Is Rufus alright?" I ask, on edge now that the damage has been done. Elena pulls out her phone and dials quickly, placing a hand on her hip. The wind of the city's heights tugs at my clothes and threatens to pull me over the edge, but I stay, clutching a steel support and letting the air nip at my skin. Despite our situation, I relish in the freedom of its pull until Elena hangs up with a shake of her head.

"No signal. Should we—" She gasps when the power flickers back on, restored now that the mako can evenly distribute throughout the city.

Rude immediately turns back to the elevators, pressing the buttons with a frown. Nothing happens. "Seems not all power's back on."

"The emergency lock system?" Reno suggests, pushing his hands into his pockets. One of his feet taps the floor repeatedly, burning through his nervous energy as we try to find a way out.

"Must be," Rude mutters, eyeing the elevator doors up and down.

"Reno, Rude, take the stairs."

My heart freezes and my skin breaks out in a cold sweat. There's something chilling about hearing a voice you never thought you'd hear again or seeing a face you said your goodbyes to long ago. It's horrifying, sure, but the ice thaws soon after and there's nothing, but sweet, sweet relief. When I turn to see if he's really there, my mouth gapes open like a child's.

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