XIV) Resignation

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"The heck?"

A loud thump sends a rumbling jolt through the door and knocks me forward. I blink away the bleariness of sleep, not entirely sure where I am for a moment until I see the glass wall of the shower across the room and feel the cold tule beneath my legs. Oh #$%^. Quickly, I get to my feet and the door flies open to reveal Reno, who stares back with an eyebrow raised.

"Did I interrupt something?"

"Uh, no." I yawn, looking at my face in the mirror and wincing my neck aches at the sudden turn.

"Were you sleeping?"


"I always knew you were like a dog," he teases, standing behind me and making a face in the mirror. "Always sleepin' on the floor and barkin' at strangers."

"Yeah, sounds like me," I huff, heading back to the roof and closing the door behind me so he can pee in peace. Rude is nowhere to be seen and Elena's already dressed, ready to hit the skies and head back to Shinra HQ.

"Hey." She greets me with a smile despite the bruises on her nose from my elbow. I fall onto my bed, staring up at the ceiling and forcing myself to keep my eyes open.


"You okay?"

"Yeah?" I frown, lifting my head enough to see her. Reno steps out of the bathroom and I crinkle my nose. "You did not wash your hands."

"Nope," he grins, reaching toward my face. I cringe away from him.

"Ew. Get your penis fingers away from me."

"Mm, penis fingers."

Rude pauses in the doorway, not entirely sure what he's walked in on. Laughing, Reno taps my cheek and jumps back into his bed.

Elena clears her throat to redirect my attention. "Because there aren't many reasons for people to fall asleep on the bathroom floor."

"I didn't feel good," I lie, shrugging. Reno scoffs.

"Since when are you a lightweight?"

"Might be all the travel."

"Well, you better get used to it."

"I will."

We make it back to Shinra before noon, and left with little to do and no orders but to wait for Tseng and Rufus, we separate, heading to the executive wing of apartments. Reno lets me inside and I collapse on the couch, still tired.

"I'm not stayin' long," he warns, heading to his room to change. I shrug.

"That's fine. I'll bother Rude."

I stare hard at the blank television, wondering why Shinra built living quarters to begin with. Because the Turks are called back and forth so much? What about the ones that have other parts of their lives? I sigh, shaking my head. Most of the people that work for the Turks have no one else and they want nothing more than to forget. Then there are those like Elena that had nothing to lose but their dignity. A good life, a good upbringing, and a little friendly competition. Makes me sick. How can any normal person do this crap?

"Okay." Reno heads out of the hall in a suit I can't guarantee is clean, but it's cleaner than his other one. I stand, about to tease him about being a grown child, but the look on his face is serious.

"What's up?"

"Nothin', it's just..." He sighs, scratching at the back of his head and resting a hand on his hip. "Look, I wasn't gonna say anything, but..." Shrugging, he crosses his arms, watching me for my reaction. "I was awake last night when you woke up. You feelin' okay?"

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