XV) Kitty Kat

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"Guys! I'm back!" I step into Rude's apartment, spotting Reno on the couch. He glances up and holds up the bottle he took from Rude's cabinet.

"Mind putting this back for me?"

"Thought I wasn't the woman for you," I tease, snatching it away and heading for the kitchen.

Upon opening the cabinet, I realize I'm not nearly tall enough to reach the shelf this belongs on. I turn to the couch where a crown of spiky red hair peeks up over the edge of the cushions.

"Re, can you help me? I'm too short for this world."

"Buzz off," he grumbles.


"#$%^, fine."

Huffing, he gets to his feet, pulling the bottle from my hand and easily setting it on the top shelf. I smile, clinging to him so that he can't put his arms down.

"Thank you," I croon, laughing when he rolls his eyes.

"Yup. Mind letting go?"

"I don't think I will."

"Kat," he huffs, trying to pry me off.

"Why? What're you in such a huffy mood for?" I scoff, straightening and crossing my arms. He shakes his head and flops back down on Rude's couch, watching Kelsey interview a man from the slums as the cameraman focuses on her chest. I take a deep breath. "Fine. Where's Rude?"

"Probably reading."

"In his room?"


Rolling my eyes, I head down the hall, eyeing the trio of doors that greets me. The one in front of me is the bathroom. Shrugging, I open the door on the right side of the hall, poking my head into the dark room.


A loud snarl startles me, and in my effort to get away, I fall onto my butt, reaching up to shield my face as a flurry of tan fur lunges at me. A sharp cry rises from my throat before I can stop it, trying to swat the demon chihuahua away only to have it rip at my other fingers.

"#$%^!" Reno comes running from the room, shoving Elixir into the corner with his shoe and grimacing when the dog gnaws on his pant leg. "Rude, your demon dog just ripped Kat a new one, man!"

"I can hear that," Rude huffs, opening his door. Irritated, he hoists the chihuahua off the ground and closes himself in the room with it. I get to my feet, staring at my bloody fingers as I try to figure out where the bites are, exactly. Reno grabs my wrist and jerks me down the hallway.

"Ow!" He ignores me, turning on the hot water and forcing my hand under the tap. "#$%^&*% ow, Reno!" I shout, ripping my hand out of his grasp and cooling the water off a little. "What the #$%^?!"

"Oh, sorry!" he sneers, ticked off. "I'm just having the greatest day of my life, Kat, and I really appreciate you demanding my attention every two #$%^&*^ seconds!" Huffing, he turns on his heels and leaves the kitchen.


The door slams behind him and Rude emerges from his room with a frown. He raises an eyebrow at me, and I shake my head, turning the water off and reaching over my head in search of something to wrap this up with.

"What set him off?"

"No idea. Said he was having a bad day after attempting to melt my fingers in boiling water. Have any bandages?"

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