XVIII) Assisting Reeve

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"Rufus said you need help," I announce, stepping into Reeve's office. He jumps, sitting at his desk and staring hard at his screen.

"What was that?" a voice calls. "Cait?"

"System malfunction," he says quickly, taking his headset off and standing. "At least knock. Please."

"Sorry. Didn't know you were busy." I shove my hands into my pockets, closing the door with my foot. "Do you always have to talk for him?"

"Of course not." He glances back down at the screen. "They're headed for the Temple of Ancients. Are any of your people going to meet them?"

"Yeah. Tseng and Elena." I look around the dark office, searching for anything I might actually understand. I don't find much. "What'd you need?"

"Nothing much at the moment. We're headed to the Gold Saucer to get the Keystone. Tseng will meet me there."

"Won't they know you're a spy?"

"I'm hoping they don't catch me." He sighs, shaking his head. "They probably will, though."

"And you don't have any leverage?"

"Well..." He leans forward, staring at the floor. "We do have an option that I don't like too much."

"And that is?"

"Aerith's mother. She lives in Sector Five and she's currently caring for Barret's daughter."

"Barret has a daughter?"

"Yes. Marlene. She's four years old." Reeve looks tortured when he sits up. "It feels dirty."

"Sometimes you can't play fair." I offer him a half-hearted smile. "I'll get on it."

"Alright. I'll need them brought her calmly, and preferably sooner rather than later."

"On it," I repeat, heading out the door.

I take my truck down to the Sector Five slums, puffing my way through two cigarettes to calm my jitters before parking far enough outside that no one should mess with my vehicle. Reeve texted me directions and I follow them easily. Every single person along the way stops to stare at me, though they all know exactly where I'm headed. Turks have been heading to this girl's house every month for as long as anyone can remember. Tseng, usually.

I knock twice, standing back and looking around the garden. The smell of overflowering flower baskets and bushes easily overpowers the scent of the slums' garbage; I can't help but smile. The place feels like an enchanted garden from a storybook. It's beautiful. A woman in a green dress and a white apron opens the door, frowning. Her grip tightens on the doorknob when she sees what I'm wearing.


"You must be Elmyra." I step closer and she backs away. "I'm Kat."

"You new?" she demands. "Your people already took Aerith."

"She's been gone for a long time," I shrug. "I'm not here about that."

"What do you want?"

"... Can I come in?" She scowls, staring at me for a moment longer before stepping aside. I don't bother closing the door behind me, looking around the small house. Looks a lot bigger on the outside.

"I have a question."

"I'm sure you have a lot of 'em. The garden's beautiful, by the way."

"It's Aerith's." She sizes me up with sharp eyes, resting her hands on the back of a wooden chair. "Are you related to Tseng?" I frown.

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