V) Threatened

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"Ah, Kat!" Omid cries when I step into his office. "Your uniform is ready!"

"Good." I offer a smile when he hands me a neatly folded suit made from thick black material.

"Omid should have more done in a few days."

"Sweet, thanks."

I leave with my uniform hugged to my chest and head toward the elevator that I swear I've spent half my time in at this point. Outside stands a tall man in a blue suit. He offers a smile, stretching his dark goatee, and holds out a hand. I take it uncertainly, raising an eyebrow.

"You must be the new Turk." He pulls away and his dark eyes light up. "I'm Reeve Tuesti, head of Urban Development."


"Tseng's mentioned you on occasion," he continues, chuckling. "Quite a unique girl. Funny, though. I can't seem to find your name anywhere."

"Why are you searching for my name?" I frown.

"Yo! Kitty Kat!" Reno cries, running toward us. "Whatcha up to?" He asks, grinning.

"Heading to Tseng's office," I answer, tearing my eyes away from Reeve's.

"See you got the stuff," he teases, tugging on the edge of my uniform.

"Yeah." I stare at the glowing button that promises an elevator is coming, but the wait feels like it's lasting a hundred years.

"Let's take the stairs," he huffs, grabbing my arm and pulling me toward a nearby door.

"How many floors is it?"

"Eleven. Ain't half bad."


I hurry to keep up with him, wheezing by the third set of steps. Reno, far ahead, leans over the rail with a stupid smile on his face.

"Really gotta cut back on those cigs, man."

"Buzz off."

The uniform makes me feel like I'm choking. I tug at the collar uncomfortably, helplessly staring at my awkwardly knotted tie in the mirror. Huffing, I rip it off and undo the top button. Reno makes fun of me and takes me to Tseng's office. There, I hold my noose out, pleading for help.


Tseng sighs, shaking his head, but he comes closer and does as I ask, giving me step by step instruction as I stare hard at the wall behind him. Reno leans against the door behind me, snickering. It's been a long time since Tseng's been brave enough to touch me. I've always been something to keep at a distance, a disgusting, rotted trophy of his past that he just can't seem to leave behind. When he steps back, I grimace and tug at the collar again.

"It's too tight."

"You weren't listening," he sighs. I shake my head, rubbing the back of my itchy neck.

"No. Sorry."

Before he can lecture me, his phone rings. He gives me a stern look before answering, heading back behind his desk but refusing to sit. Slowly, he puts a hand in his pocket, frowning.

"Yes, sir. I'll put him on it right away. Sir? Yes." He takes a deep breath and hangs up. For a moment, the silence hangs in the air. Then, he looks up, directing those piercing black eyes at Reno. "You let Avalanche get away?"

"Just Cloud and the Ancient," he shrugs.

"I would have appreciated a notice," Tseng fires back sharply. "I need both of you on this."

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