XLI) Kilmister

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"Mr. President, where are you?!"

Rufus presses his hands to the stone wall and tries a second time to stand. This time, though hunched, he manages to get there, hobbling across the room. His jaw is clenched and his eyebrows are pinched together, the only sign he shows that his pain, though medicated, is still immense.

"What are you doing?" I whisper, all too aware of the stomping footsteps drawing nearer.

Rufus doesn't answer, rolling underneath the nearby bed with something clutched to his chest. Before I can demand an answer, the door flies wide open, slamming against the wall. I jump, staring hard at the floor. I fully expect to receive a beating, but the man at the door ignores me and follows Rufus's chains to the raggedy bed with a menacing smile.

"Hiding under the bed, huh?"

I hold my breath as he draws nearer. He kneels, pulling a gun from the waistband of his pants and sharply twisting his body to look beneath the bed. Startled, Rufus slams the firearm up against the underside of the bed. The gun fires and blood pours from the president's hand. Unfazed, he rolls out of his cover and strikes the man with the whip in his other hand. That's what he took? The man grunts, his gun dropping to the floor and skittering to my feet. I pick it up, trying to look confident in my aim even though my vision is doubled.

"I win," Rufus says, shuffling to my side unsteadily, bleeding hand held close to his chest. Smoke begins to seep into the room, reminding us of the imminent end we face.

"You stupid president!" the man shouts, getting to his feet. "Come on, then! Order her to fire! How's that gun gonna help you?" I can shoot these chains off us and we can run for the hills. I glance up at Rufus. Please. He frowns and looks back, shaking his head once. I don't lower my arms, determined. I'm losing my mind down here.

"You killed Mutten?" Rufus asks, turning his eyes back to the man.

"Yeah, I did. He's been treating me like trash! We grew up together!"

"I see. And that's what caused this fall."

"Don't try to make me one of your men," he sniffs, raising an eyebrow. "I haven't forgotten how you made a fool out of me back in that house." That's who you are?

A loud bang signals a gunshot and the man drops dead. I jump, staring hard at my hands. Did I shoot? Rufus turns to frown at me, startled. Jumpy aren't we? Someone new enters the room, lowering his weapon as I raise mine. He flips a switch, quickly aiming his gun right back. The doctor?

"How are you, Mr. Rufus Shinra?"

"Not very well."

"Then have her throw away the gun and I do the same."

Cocky, the doctor tilts his head to the side. I refuse to look away from him and hand the gun to Rufus. The president's hand closes around it slowly, the gears in his head visibly turning.

"Doctor, if you throw yours away then I will do the same."

A smug smile crosses the doctor's face and he turns his aim to Rufus's head. In one sharp motion, Rufus presses the gun to the man's chest and pulls the trigger. An eerie, empty click echoes through the room. Uh oh. Raising an eyebrow, the doctor directs the gun elsewhere with a single finger.

"Mr. Shinra, you don't know the man who possessed that gun. He hated Mutten. All Mutten did was make him do all the dirty work and take all the good stuff for himself." He shrugs one shoulder. "Naturally, he used all the bullets to relieve that hatred. I believe the last shot was used in this room." He steps away to prop at the dead man's body with the toe of his shoe. "I am Kilmister. I have worked for the Shinra Company since I was young. I was a little lower down than Dr. Hojo's assistant in terms of status." Hojo? "Now throw away your gun."

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