XXII) Not Okay

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"Holy #$%^," I groan, rubbing my face as an overwhelmingly sharp pain shoots through my head. "I'm not okay."

I reach over the edge of my bed and shake a few pills into my palm before tossing them down my throat. My phone lies face down on the floor where I left it after shutting off my shrill alarm, buzzing once. Reno's probably wondering where I am. With a groan, I bury my face in my hands. My head is screaming and I'm exhausted. The worst part is that I remember why. Why didn't I black out?

I roll out of bed slowly and take a cold shower to wake myself up. Halfway through getting dressed, I scramble back to the bathroom to throw up, but nothing comes out. My head's fuzzy, reminding me that I'm probably not even sober yet. The walk to our floor is insufferable with Shinra's blinding overhead lights and the loud crowds of employees arriving for the workday.

"You're not lookin' too hot." Before I can reply, Reno presses a paper into my hands. "Drink up, Sweetheart."

"Thank you," I puff out, not caring if I scorch my tongue. Maybe the pain will keep me away from Rufus for a while. Even the mere thought of his name makes my face red and my head ache more. Not at all how I expected to feel.

"Doin' alright?" he asks, leaning a shoulder against the wall outside his office. I shake my head, closing my eyes to ease my throbbing head.

"I feel like absolute garbage."

"What happened?"

"Partook in too much go-go juice," I murmur, taking another sip. He laughs quietly, taking mercy on my poor soul. "Like, way too much."


"Why the heck not?" My chest stings and I swallow the gathering lump in my throat. That's enough of that.

"It's Tuesday, Kat."

"And?" I look up when Rude heads over.

"Hey, you guys will never believe this," Reno says, perking up upon seeing his partner.

"What?" I ask, wincing at the volume of his voice.

"Rufus said he's staying home sick today," he announces, shoving his hands deeper into his pockets. "His assistant said it's just because he's tired, though." My face goes red and I begin to sweat. Can't imagine why. "You know how many days I wouldn't be here if I could stay home for bein' tired?"

"I'm sure that's not all," Rude points out, eyeing me. "Feeling okay?"



"Why don't you go get an elixir?" Reno asks, resting an arm across my shoulders and resting his head against mine. I wince at the pain upon impact. "It'd make you feel better." Rude raises an eyebrow.

"Aren't you mad at me?" I huff, staring sadly at the bottom of my cup.

"Not right now."

"Quit changing your mind." I roll my eyes, lifting my arm to rest my hand on his back. He puffs out a short laugh when my temple hits his shoulder.

"Can't help that I feel bad for you."

"Feel bad for me?" I frown, blowing Rude a kiss when he takes my cup to refill it, knowing full well I won't be alive until I've had at least two cups. "Why?"

"I dunno." Reno shrugs, lowering his voice. "Last night. You were freaked about something."

"Oh..." I take a deep breath, taking my cup back. My heart sinks.

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