Chapter Nine- Game Night

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Will walked with me down to Leo's bunker for game night. It was a small group of people, just the Seven, Reyna, Thalia, Calypso, Will and I who were going. I think people were trying to make Reyna and Thalia get together but you can't force people to fall in love. Nor can you force them to like the same gender, I'm not even sure if they're lesbian or straight. I'm sure all they think about is killing or maiming people as well as leading their army.

I didn't want to go to Game night but Will kept saying we never go out. What a lie, we go to McDonald's and walk around the woods all the time. I'm just not one for people especially because the color is a hard thing for me to see that's why I wear black all the time. The Green is red and red is almost brown. Sometimes green is brighter or red is brighter, I'm not sure I don't know which color is which. Not many people know of my colorblindness but everyone in bunker 9 knows.

"Come on Nico just a little further and we'll be there." Will smiled.

At least I could still sort of see Will's true eye color. I know they're very bright blue but they look sort of light purple and his hair a dirty yellow color. He still looks perfect, I smiled at him, "Alright sunshine, let's do this." He grabbed my hand and pulled me up the hill to the big rock wall. I placed my hand on the wall and the rocks seemed to crumble away.

The funny part about this is Leo and I became good friends after he came back. Will would even get jealous of the relationship. He made so I can walk into the Bunker without having to shadow travel and scare the shit out of him. That made Will even more jealous, I looked over at him and I could see his jealousy showing. I smirked and I walked inside, Will trailed behind me as the rocks sealed into a giant wall once more.

"Welcome," Boomed Leo on a loudspeaker. "We are almost all here, there are snacks. Game night shall begin soon."

We walked deeper inside the bunker where lights were strung up, food was on a table, some of the Seven were sitting on beanbags waiting on Reyna and Thalia. I would like to say I knew what I was doing but I didn't. I watched as Will got called over by Jason to help him with something so I sat down on a foldable chair.

Leo came up to me and nudged my shoulder. "Will Solace huh, who knew you liked blonds."

"Shut up," I grumbled as he grinned his usual elfish grin. "What do you have in store?"

"Well I think we'll play some twister or maybe Cards Against Humanity, What do you meme?- I'm not sure." he pursed his lips and cocked his head to the side as he thought. "We'll see what people think, but first we need Thalia and Reyna to get here."

I nodded and took a sip of my punch, "How are you feeling?"

His smile faltered a little bit, "What do you mean?"

"Dude, I am the prince of death. I know there are side effects when you come back from the dead."

"Pft, I'm Leo, nothing gets past this bad boy."

I rolled my eyes, "Nightmares will get worse the more you ignore them. You have a dark spirit lingering around you, find a way to expel it, or keep it at bay or- you may regret it."

Leo let out a laugh after a moment of silence before putting his arm around my shoulder. "You really know how to hyphen someone's spirit."

I sat and spoke with Leo for a while, I could feel anger radiating behind us, I knew instantly it was Will. I leaned closer to Leo, he was confused, "Um what?"

I grabbed his face and whispered against his ear, "Pretend I said something funny." I pulled away with a smirk and Leo let out an unconvincing laugh. I shook my head, "Look behind you." He turned around to see Will seething in jealousy.

"Oooh," he said turning back at me. "I think I have the perfect game now." he poked my forehead and I let out a small laugh. I felt Will come up to us as he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close.

"What's up? Talking about anything important?"

"Not really." I said with a shrug, "Just what to play for game night."

Leo was grinning, "Actually Nico was telling me how much he loves to-"

"Excuse me?" Will cut in. "Loves to what?"

"He loves to spend time with you. Jeeze what's twisted your toga?"

"Is that so?" Will said smirking at me.

I glared at Leo, "Leo told me how much he loves to play with-"

"OKAY! I think that we can begin without Thalia and Reyna. A circle please-" he yelled before turning to me, "I am going to kill you, Di Angelo."

"Likewise Valdez," I smirked at him. "He likes to play with his dragon, making him fetch fireballs and fly around with him," I said turning to Will.

He poked my nose before turning his attention to the group. "First game, TWISTER!"

They all agreed and readied themselves Leo handed me the spinner and I took it with wide eyes. "You spin the thing and read out the colors with the little signs on the side," Percy said as Leo began playing music.

I blew air out, "Um, Okay."

They all got in position and I spun the spinner thing, "Right foot- Blue?"

Left-hand green?

Right -foot red?

left foot yellow.

Right-hand green?

Right Hand- Blue?

This went on for a while as they got mixed up and I had no idea what I was calling out. Red looked like brown and so did green and blue was like black I think. Yellow was the only one I could distinguish as it was the brightest color. "I sure hope I'm calling these right." I murmured under my breath.

They all looked at me before groaning. "Damn it, we forgot you were color blind." Percy groaned under Annabeth.

"It doesn't look like you're complaining Perc."

"Shut up sparky."

Will looked at me and laughed before kissing my forehead, "You're still perfect."

"I know," I said with a smile.

He laughed and rolled his eyes with a smile, "You're a dork."

"But I'm your dork," I replied as he kissed me. That was the best part of my night, kissing Will and being around people who care about me- but mostly Kissing Will.

 That was the best part of my night, kissing Will and being around people who care about me- but mostly Kissing Will

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Based off of the Tumblr post^

People- I need a girlfriend. Ahhh I'm sooooo lonely writing these one-shots brings it out lol

Lesbians help me- if you beist single and live near Thorton Co, :( I beist alone.

#loney forever #I'm a loser

lol im a strange being.

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