Chapter Twenty Eight - Lucifer

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Nico was sent to the mortal world to find out who's been killing so many people. It's really been messing with his mojo. There's been so much ringing in his ears he can't concentrate on the nice things, like his fiance. He's twenty-two now, he has better things to do than go on more missions for his father.

He was walking down the streets of Washington DC, all alone. He was just trying to find who's been killing people who shouldn't have been killed so soon. He'd rather be in bed, with coffee, and food.

"Where the hell could this person be?" he mumbled. He passed by an old raggety hotel, he heard a familiar engine running. Three people were in this car, it looked like an older car.

"Dean, we have to stop lucifer, however possible. You know the risks and so do I." the giant, plaid wearing dude said.

"Sam, you're not saying yes to the devil. Thats final." this dean replied closing the door to his impala. The third guy was wearing a trench coat, he looked between the two like it was a tennis match.

 Nico made his way over to them just as he got there they've already made it inside their room. Nico knocked on the door, he heard them stop talking and cock a gun. The door slowly opened. "Who are you?"

"I could ask you the same question, but even if you tell me I don't care," Nico replied letting himself in. He grabbed a beer off the table and popped the top.

They pointed their guns at them, both the giant moose looking ass dude and the small angry squirrel. "What do you want?" they asked.

"Well really? You looked familiar, and I figured you'd know who's doing all this killing."

The trench coat dude narrowed his eyes, "Demigod."

"OOH, an angel. Lovely, tell me who's killing people, I'll kill them, and we'll call it a day." Nico replied.

"Sam, Dean, it's alright, he's on our side."

"Wait. Sam and Dean?" I asked.

They looked at each other, "You've heard of us?"

"You really are idiots aren't you? We've meet before, like a while back."

"Doesn't ring a bell, kid." Dean gruffed.

"Yeah, I sort of wiped your memory... twice." Nico replied before snapping his fingers.

"You're the Ghost King right?" Sam asked after a minute. 

Nico stopped paying attention to them and to the table that was littered with papers. "Hmmn? Yeah....and this lucifer is an Archangel right?" 

"You cant just kill him with the intent to kill."

"Seemed to work before." Nico shrugged, "Look, I'd rather be home with my fiance not here searching for who's killing these damned mortals. So just tell me where he is and send me on my way."

Castiel walked up to Nico, who tensed and reached for his ring. Ready to twist it to his stygian iron sword.

"Your worlds weapons cannot defeat an archangel."

"Oh but it can, you see this," Nico smirked pulled out his sword and had it pointed against Castiels throat, "this, is a magical metal capable of absorbing or destroying the essence of monsters, gods, Titans, Demigods, and Giants." Nico paused for a minute and looked up at the Winchesters who looked like they would like to obtain the metal, "But unlike Imperial Gold and Celestial Bronze, it can harm both mortals, including humans, and immortals alike. Thus it's able to kill an Archangel, if it can kill a god, it can kill an angel."

"Where did you get that?" Dean asked as Nico let Castiel go.

"My fathers domain."

"Which is?"

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