Chapter Thirty Seven- Past

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Part one- Chapter 33

Part Two- Chapter 35

Part Three- Chapter 37

"Boss? What's up with you? You've been silent after the shopping trip- well more silent than usual." One of Nico's members- Jimmy questioned.

"That boy..."

"The one we helped the other day?"


"The curly-haired one?" 


"Would you like a background check on him sir?"

"No, go ask him."

"I'll call the d- wait, what? You want me t-t-t to go.... ta-alk to hi-im?"


"Um, yes sir? Is there anything in particular?"

Nico sighed, "No. Ask about relation, past, and connection with me."

"Okay.... can I ask why?" They began before Nico gave them a long glare, "Ahhh, okay. Um, I'll be on my way then."


Nico stared out his office window as he sent Jimmy away. He racked his brain for memories, he felt as though there were good memories but he can't seem to remember from where. A sense of nostalgia hit him, he felt a pain in his chest. One that made him want to fall down and cry.


Third Person:

Jimmy and a couple of others walked down the streets trying to find this curly-haired person their boss has taken an interest in.

"There!" Someone pointed to a tall blond saying goodbye to the guy they helped the other day.

"You!" Imane yelled at Will.

"Me?" he pointed to himself.

"No the dog next to you."

"But there's no-"

"exactly, I'm talking about you."

"Oh. Then why didn't you say so?"

"Boss sent us here for a reason, Imane."

"Tch, shut up Jeremy. I know."

"Nico, sent you?"

"Yes. You- what relation do you have with Ni- I mean boss."

"Nico? Hmmm." he turned his head towards the sky softly. "He was my Ex."

"Ex what?" Imane pushed, genuinely confused.

"Ex Boyfriend. You see- before you yell at me and tell me how stupid I am for letting him go. Cause I know this- he used to come to dates late. Every time coming up with an excuse that he was helping an elderly person. But who stops to help the elderly in New York? It's too busy for that."

"Decent people stop. We stop." Imane clenched her teeth.

"Sure, I believed it the first time cause I was so in love with him. The new bad boy with a dark past and a soft side. It's every person's dream."

"So what?"

"I caught him that one day- the day I ended it- with a girl at a jewelry store. Looking at expensive things, I knew he was rich so I didn't think too much of it. Maybe that he was just on his way, looking around. But I saw a girl with frizzy hair and-"

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