Chapter Six - Deflated Soccer Ball

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Nico walked into Will's school ready to surprise him. They hadn't seen each other in three months since Will started school. Will decided to go to school in Texas to be closer to his mother, he doesn't come to camp half-blood on the weekends due to homework and sports.

It would be strange to his mortal friends if he disappeared every weekend. Nico searched through Chirons files to find where Will was attending school. Nico walked up to some random kid at his locker, Nico was learning how to communicate without violence. Will said he needed to work on his people skills.

"Hello," he said tapping some kid's shoulder, "Where is Will Solace?"

This kid looked at Nico and scoffed, "I don't know but even if I did it would be worthless for you to interact with him. It's obvious you aren't friends."

Nico smirked and looked around, "I'll look for him myself." Nico made his way over to the library with hopes of finding Will there. He didn't get much luck with that, he asked for the soccer team but he was just brushed off again. It was soon lunchtime and Nico decided to look for him there.

"Damnit Will where are you?" he mumbled to himself. He stood in the back of the cafeteria waiting for Will to come in. After a few minutes to doors opened to show the soccer team coming in, it was like a weird highschool musical moment where everyone stops when someone walks in the room.

Will was holding a soccer ball in his hands, he set it down on the table as he got his lunch bag out. Nico was getting impatient and threw his knife at Will. Not at Will but at his soccer ball. The ball deflated and the knife was stuck to the table with a thump. Will didn't flinch but the people around him here horrified. Will plucked the knife off the table and grinned.

"You can come out now," he said raising his voice. Nico smirked before he suddenly appeared behind Will.

"Looks like you found my dagger, I was wondering where that went."

"I'm sure you were," Will said with a smile, he tilted his head up to face Nico. Nico smiled before leaning down and planting a kiss on Wills's lips. There were gasps throughout the group and the entire cafeteria.

"What the-"

"What?" Will glared at the soccer team. "I'm gay and this is my boyfriend if you got a problem with that I'll shove an arrow up your ass."

"No, we were just surprised Solace. You do you." One said the others nodded.

"Great, if you'll excuse me Nico here traveled all the way from New York. I'm ditching the rest of the day. Let's go Neeks."

"I told you not to call me that."

"Whatever Death Boy." Nico sighed before letting Will led him out of the school. "How did you get here anyway?"

"Um, I-" he mumbled.

"You what?"

"May or may not have shadow traveled."

"What?" he exclaimed. "You owe me three days in the infirmary. Three!"

"Fine. But only if-" he smirked.

"No. Nico no. Absolutely not. "

"But Will. I might as well make my time in the infirmary worth it," he complained.

"Fine, but we are going to my house, you can shadow travel back to camp after three days with me."

"qualsiasi cosa per te amore mio." (Anything for you my love.)

Nico grabbed his hand and they both dissolve into the shadows. They reappeared in Wills's yellow room. The room was littered with pictures of Nico and Will together, people from camp and things Will loves. Nico plopped down on the bed, Will laid next to him. "With great power comes a great need to take a nap."

Will smiled, "I love you, Nico."

"I love you too Will."

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