Began April 14, 2020
Still in progress.
Don't really have a description other than 99.99999 percent of it is really gay so....
Side note: Sorry for bad grammer, English not my first language.
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Third Person:
A while after the war Nico and Will were shamelessly flirting with each other. No one in camp seemed to notice, but Nico and Will were already dating. They have been for quite some time but as I had said before people were oblivious to this and assumed Nico and Will were just bickering as per usual. Nico's health had greatly improved, although no one has seemed to notice as he keeps wearing his baggy clothes which he deems comfortable. Nico was actually quite ripped now.
He liked to keep in shape so that he can eat as much McDonald's as he wants without facing the consequences of obesity. He wasn't sure if you can get obese if you eat from that restaurant, nevertheless, he trained non stop. Nearly five hours a day from when he wakes up around noon till dinner. After that, he summons the dead to try and build stamina to his magic.
Will didn't know of what he was doing, had he known he would be fussing over Nico, and calling him names for not listening to him. He likes to use Idiot, Stupid, Death Boy, Skeleton crawler, dumbass, and the occasional fucktard. Charming, I know but Nico wasn't a fan. He was willing to stab anyone but Will. Had it been someone else- like Percy or Jason they would be very much wounded.
Moving on, today was a pretty good day for Nico. He and Will were bickering **Cough cough flirting cough cough** anyway I'm sure Jason and Percy were planning something for Nico and Will. They began with a ship called Willco but when they brought it up to Nico and Will they thought it was cringy. They decided to come up with another name but they were having some trouble.
Will and Nico had a small date planned, not really a date but they were just chilling in Nico's cabin later tonight. "You're an idiot," Will said as he sutured one of Nico's cuts on his forearm.
"Psh, I was just sparring. I'd like to you spar and not get a scratch on you."
"At least I don't have to use all my vocabulary in one sentence."
"Your ego is too big, I can't say the same about other things," Nico smirked.
Will stood up from his chair and leaned over Nico, he was close to Nico. "Are you sure? We can test that theory."
"Is that so? I'm sure we wouldn't be able to find it."
Will laughed, "Whatever fucktard."
"Shut up shit face."
"You can go now." he laughed again placing a kiss on Nico's cheek.
"See ya later sunshine," Nico said jumping off the cot he was on.
"See ya death breath."
As Nico left the infirmary he took a deep breath before looking around. He was suddenly craving Chipotle, he wasn't one to ask for permission so he shadow traveled away. "I wonder..." Nico whispered as he looked around lower Manhatten to find a Chipotle. "Oh there it is." he crossed the street - almost getting ran over by a car- he was used to very little cars in his day. Opening the door to the restaurant he noticed multiple people, there was so much on the menu to choose from.